Season III, Episode X:

"Cruise Control"

Writers: Steve Granat and Cydne Clark

Director: Gary Graham

Original Air Date: August 23, 2003

Synopsis/Review: Nothing much story-wise happens for the first ten minutes or so of the show, really. Just a lot of X-Men cruise ship fun. See, the X-Men are taking a cruise during spring break to "get away from it all" back in Bayville. No one on the ship knows they're Mutants, so they can just sit back, relax, and have some fun. A few have stayed back, though, and it's important to note who, since none of them are seen at ALL in this episode- Rogue (she's still sick from "Self Possessed"), Xavier, Wolverine, and Beast (probably to take care of her), and Berzerker (er... because.... well, maybe he was on the cruise ship, but not seen at all during the ep. Whatever). All the other X-Men are there. Some of the highlights of good ol' X-Men antics:
- Iceman playing "guess that movie" as he shoots a big iceberg in front of the ship. Of course, this was an incredibly stupid move by ol' Bobby, and Cyclops has to shoot the iceberg down before the ship can collide with it. It's at night, though, and only one other guy sees it.
- Kitty and Kurt "peeking in" on Scott and Jean about to kiss. Teeheehee.
    Anyways, Amara's not feeling all that well- she's not seasick, but she says she always gets this way when she's disconnected from the Earth for a while. Has to do with her whole "Magma" thing.
    Eventually though, the Mutants are discovered on board when a chain reaction started by Boom Boom (of course) ends up in the whole room being flooded with water from the lobster tank to douse a fire. Aaaand the people on board find out that the X-Men are Mutants. Aaaand the predictable "stay away from us, you freaks" behavior starts to happen on the ship.
    The next day, the ship docks near a volcanic island called St. Sebastian. They were originally going to go to the Bahamas, but bad weather ahead has prevented them from getting there, so the ship is just going to wait it out here. Jean and Scott, wanting to get away from the ship passengers, float to land. Kurt and Kitty follow, just because that's the way they are. Amara's getting really sick, so Boom Boom gets Iceman to make an ice canoe to take them ashore as well. (Ice canoe. Teeheehee. Yes, I laughed a lot during this ep.)
    Anyway, they find each other on the island, and soon go to a hot spring to relax. Amara, predictably, is starting to feel better now, and dives down into the hot spring to get closer to the fissure- to, I'm assuming, feel better by getting closer to the Earth. Or something. Anyway, once she gets near it, she flames up again- but this causes the water in the spring to get too hot, and the X-Men get out and go back to town. Problem is, Amara inadvertently set off the volcano's rumbling by being near that fissure, and an earthquake ensues. The X-Men do their fair share of saving people until the earthquake dies down. The thing is... they're actually treated like heroes by the people of the island once it's over! They get to live it up then, finally getting the respect they deserve after all this time. Jean helps some fisherman catch a fish, Iceman creates a skating rink for some of the ladies, they get some (assumingly) free food, lots of good stuff.
    But then Storm, on the ship, notices that the kids are gone. Bum-bum-buuummm. She's sent Multiple to search all over the ship, and they ain't anywhere. She quickly figures out where they've gone, and creates a small storm cloud over the ship- signaling to the X-Men that fun's over, now get back here, you varmints. Problem is, just as she does that, another rumble spreads through the island, and the volcano erupts!
    The X-Men, again, do their fair share of saving people. Scott creates a long ditch in the ground to divert the lava away from the village while Jean and Bobby hold it back in various places. Amara, though, is drawn to the volcano crater in an almost zombie-like state. Only Boom Boom notices she's gone in the chaos, but by then, it's too late- Amara is too far up on the volcano for anyone to safely follow. Except Storm, though! She flies after Amara, and witnesses her actually come up to the crater and DIVE IN to the volcano. Amara swims through the lava, then starts exerting her control over it. The volcano stops erupting suddenly, and the lava that is already flowing everywhere almost immediately cools down. The rest of the X-Men run up to the crater as Amara bursts out of it and comes up to the ridge via a plume of lava. She explains to them how she actually seemed to... merge... with the volcano for a short while, and was able to stop the eruption. After all, she inadvertently caused it. So, the X-Men say goodbye to the loving natives reluctantly, and head back to the ship. Boom Boom and Amara joke a little, 'cause they're good friends. End.

Last Words: I really liked this ep, especially since it's a break from the epic saga we've been getting lately. Don't get me wrong- epic sagas are great- but every once and while, you just need a good standalone ep that's fun. And "Cruise Control" delivered. I thought the fact that Magma actually MERGED with the volcano consciously was borderline corny, and Jean, I think, is a bit too level-headed to do something stupid like dump a whole lobster tank on a fire, when doing something like GETTING THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER would put it out without revealing that they're Mutants. But other than that, this was a flawless and fun ep. Plus, you get more of Boom Boom than we've seen all season. Can't go wrong with that. Woooo!

Overall Rating: 9/10 Excellent

(NOTE: Although "Cruise Control" was aired as the thirteenth episode in Season 3, it is in actuality the tenth.)

(Picture courtesy of  Matt.)

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