Cryo Scourge
Beast Mode (with Cyber Key gimmick activated)Robot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Ultra
Homeworld: Jungle Planet
Cyber Key Code: u3fl
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dark royal purple, moderately light sky blue, moderately dark sky blue, and some silver, dull greenish yellow, transparent yellow, transparent icy greenish blue, red, and white
Rating: 8.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Cybertron Scourge. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Cybertron Scourge here.)

    his upgrade of Scourge for the last of the Cybertron line is the polar opposite (pun... partially intended) of the original Cybertron Scourge. Whereas the original Scourge was all fire 'n magma, Cryo Scourge is all ice 'n snow. And let me tell ya, ice never looked so hot. The icy light and dark blue play well off each other, and neither are used so much where Cryo Scourge starts to look boring. Cryo Scourge's dominant color is a royal purple, which isn't the first color you think of when you think of ice (though certainly not the last), but it fits in very well with the blue and provides a nice dominant "dark" color that is fitting for a Decepticon overlord. The silver, of course, goes perfectly well with the overall theme and blends in very nicely, and the white fade patterns on the dragon heads, robot legs, and shoulders look great and adequately snowy in nature. There's a few spots of yellow-- both solid and transparent-- on Cryo Scourge that, in their small amounts, don't make the figure look overly "warm" and help to provide some nice contrast between all the blue and purple. The yellow lines around the robot face look especially cool, and make Scourge look kinda like he's wearing a supervillain costume. (The Decepticon symbol, which is now on the dragon forehead, is rather hard to see against the transparent yellow plastic, however.) In fact, with all the yellow, white, and silver paint apps, Cryo Scourge has more paint applications than the original Scourge, which is always appreciated, of course. The coolest change to the figure, I think, is making the claws and the blade of the axe a transparent "dirty ice" color. If anything says "made of ice", it's this color let me tell ya. And it certainly fits with the "his axe blade is now made of supercooled hydrogen ice" part of Cryo Scourge's bio, as well.
    No mold changes have been made to Cyro Scourge. (He still has the same electronic sounds, as well.)
    Cryo Scourge is an absolutely beautiful repaint, that captures the very essence of ice and snow even better than the original Cybertron Scourge captured fire and brimstone. More paint apps always help, as well. Definitely recommended over his predecessor, though I still couldn't quite bring myself to give the toy the "must-buy" rating of 9.0+, because of the mold's articulation flaws and its simplicity.

Cryo Scourge Bio:
Long exposure to the freezing waste of deep space has irreversibly mutated Scourge. No longer a flame-spewing monster consumed by his passions, he is now a creature of ice and cold. Calculating, cruel, and without mercy, he radiates a freezing aura that causes circuitry to short out, and renders Autobot alloys brittle and easily shattered. His breath, once a raging firestorm, is now a creeping cold that sneaks into joints and mechanisms, destroying from within. The blade of his axe is a razor-sharp shard of supercooled hydrogen ice that leaves a deadly numbness wherever it strikes.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 8.5
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 8.5
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 7.5

Review by Beastbot

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