Quickslinger (Combiner Wars) [Online Retailer Exclusive]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation to Robot: Easy
Difficulty of Transformation to Leg: Very Easy
Difficulty of Transformation to Arm: Very Easy
Color Scheme: White, black, red, and some pumpkin orange, metallic gold, silver, and blue
Rating: 8.3

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Generations Firefly. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Generations Firefly here.)

    For those of you who want your Aerialbots to be nothing but jets, Hasbro's got you covered with this online-exclusive release of the Firefly mold done up in G1 Slingshot colors (who's now called Quickslinger for trademark reasons). Honestly, I can see why he was left out of the mass retail assortment Aerialbots in favor of Alpha Bravo-- beyond being another jet-former with the same usual deluxe Aerialbot transformation, his colors mostly don't add anything to the equation-- his core colors of black, white, and red (the latter mostly in robot mode) are readily prevalent on the other Aerialbots, and as such he largely is "just another jet-bot" that combines. That said, the color breakup is pretty good, with the white and red being rather pure, eye-catching shades. The silver-and-blue stripes on his wings and tailfin do help him look a bit more individualistic, and the blue in particular just contrasts fantastically with his other colors. I do wish the stripes on his wings actually looked like they covered the entire wing, but I suppose for paint-scraping reasons Hasbro nixed that, due to the transformation. Beyond some silver on his abs in robot mode, he's also got some metallic gold on his chest and knees, and both colors, again, look pretty good against their surroundings, even if they aren't prevalent enough to really contribute much to the overall scheme. What's most unique about Quickslinger is his oddly orange face, forehead, and cockpit-- it's pretty much the only orange on Superion if you exclude Alpha Bravo (who this guy is supposed to replace), so it gives him at least a little more uniqueness. That said, though I love how well the orange cockpit contrasts against the white, the orange face and forehead in robot mode look just too odd, like he's overly sunburned or something. I realize it's G1-accurate, but it still looks weird. At least his glasses-like optics are a nice blue that goes really good with both the white and the orange.
    Quickslinger does have one mold change from Firefly, and that's a new headsculpt-- it's a very crisp sculpt that hearkens back to his G1 form while updating and refining the design a bit, and I like the headsculpt quite well (orange coloration aside). Fortunately, just like with Firefly, there's enough "cut away" from the neck ball joint that he can look up as well as side-to-side.
    Quickslinger is a pretty decent redeco of a good Aerialbot mold, but unless you're a "G1 purist" or completist, I'd stick with Alpha Bravo instead, as not only do you get more variety amongst the Aerialbots with the latter, but Quickslinger just doesn't bring enough new to the table when compared to the other deluxe Aerialbots, beyond a bit of orange.

Quickslinger Comic Bio:
If everything Quickslinger said about his feats were true, he'd be the most decorated Autobot warrior. While he's not actually a battlefield legend, he is the best shooter among the Aerialbots. Once an enemy is in his sights, there's a good shot they'll end up in a sling.
SUBGROUP: Aerialbots
FUNCTION: Ground Troop Support

Pre-mission psych-screening report by Rung, Autobot Psy-Ops Specialist:
Quickslinger has always stood out from the rest of the Aerialbots-- a fact he'll happily tell you all about. As the only original Aerialbot with VTOL capabilities, he can execute certain maneuvers and missions that his teammates simply cannot accomplish. He has incorporated his unique abilities into a signature style of aerial combat, using his engines to move suddenly and sporadically in combat, which makes him extremely difficult for his enemies to target. His twin mortar cannons deliver remarkable damage, while his neutron blaster fires with pinpoint accuracy over great distances. With fellow Aerialbots forms Superion.
CONCLUSION: Cleared for mission.

HISTORY (extracted from compulsory biographical download):
The endless stream of hero stories and self-promotion from Quickslinger has turned off many of his Autobot teammates, and his terrible taste in music pretty much took care of the rest. The bragging likely covers actual insecurity and loneliness-- being a key part of the Aerialbots is critical to his sense of self-worth. Forms either an arm or a leg of Superion, the combined form of the Aerialbots.

Review by Beastbot

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