Cybershark (Transmetal 2)
Cybershark Transmetal 2's Beast ModeCybershark Transmetal 2's Vehicle ModeCybershark Transmetal 2's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Chrome aquamarine (sometimes fading into chrome blue), light green, gray, and some neon orange, white, purple, and dark blue
Rating: 8.4

    Beast mode is a robotic shark. This beast mode is not as deformed as the other Transmetals II and looks very cool. It is nicely detailed, with small hydraulic pumps and wires sticking out EVERYWHERE. The teeth are sharp, though, so be careful. The bottom side flaps don't stay on very well, and end up flipping back and forth whenever you move the toy. Its robot legs, which forms its lower jaw in beast mode, don't stay on very well either, and flip down unless you rest his underside on something else. You also can't move many parts in this beast mode, and his missles inside his mouth can come out easily.
    The bonus vehicle mode is kind of poor. The only thing you do is flip out his bottom side flaps and turn them sideways and flip part of his tail out to reveal a spinning "motor." It doesn't really even resemble a vehicle.
    The transformation from beast to robot mode is not so much hard as it is frustrating. Several parts may snap off during transformation, and they are hard to get back on. Transforming from robot to beast is even harder, as you have to line up all of the parts a certain way to get the transformation to work properly.
    Robot mode is very nice-looking, but has a fair amount of extras that can come off somewhat easily. These include his flaps with fins on them, his fins, and his shoulder armor. One of his arms is normal, and can hold either his missle launcher or one of his fins like a sword, and the other is a turning slicer. His face doesn't look much like the original Cybershark's, and looks more like a teenage Transformer's.
    A very cool-looking Transmetal 2, but it can come apart a bit easily.

Cybershark Transmetal 2 Bio:
FUNCTION: Tracker, Ocean Attack
Motto: "The ocean depths conceal all intentions."
Detecting Predacon activity from over 20,000 fathoms below the ocean surface,
Cybershark hunts his enemies at over 600 knots. From there, little room is left for escape. Armor-piercing, jaw-mounted sonar tracer torpedoes have water-to-air capabilities. Spin-drive tail boosts speed and acts as quad-bladed razor weapon in attack and robot modes. Also deploys thruster jets for higher speed and limited low-level flight. A fierce warrior, Cybershark honed his skills while bounty hunting a rogue band of Cybertronian space pirates. Fully dedicated to the Maximal cause, he often follows his own methods to the frustration of his commander, Depth Charge. Calculating and fearless, he gives the Predacons a good reason to stay out of the water.
Strength: 7.9
Intelligence: 5.3
Speed: 6.4
Endurance: 5.8
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 9.8
Firepower: 7.1
Skill: 6.5

Review by Beastbot

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