Demolishor (Cybertron)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Homeworld: Cybertron
Cyber Key Code: dt67 (though because of a mistake on the website, it unlocks Deluxe Armada Redeco Optimus Prime's info-- if you want to access Demolishor's ACTUAL info, use Deluxe Armada Redeco Prime's Key Code, d56b)
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dull greenish tan, moderately dark jungle green, moderately light milky brown, and some charcoal black, dark muddy brown, white, metallic greenish gold, and metallic rusty red
Rating: 9.1

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Armada Demolishor. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Armada Demolishor here.)

    Like the deluxe truck redeco of Optimus Prime released in the same wave, Demolishor is a repaint of his Armada version, with no explanation given as to why he's suddenly back in his first form. To fit him in with the Cyber Key gimmick of the line, his Minicon Blackout has been replaced with a Cybertron Cyber Key, with a painted-on Decepticon emblem and a Minicon port molded on its underside so that the Cyber Key activates Demolishor's Minicon gimmick instead of a Minicon itself. However, this means that Blackout's various ways of interacting with Demolishor's vehicle mode aren't available with this release of the toy, despite the fact that he still sells for $10 U.S.
    Still, ignoring that and the fact that this is the fourth time this mold has been released in as many years, Cybertron Demolishor has a pretty good color scheme that's unique enough from his previous paint jobs. He shares the same greenish-tan base color scheme as his original paint job, but a dark jungle green is now a main color of his as well, and combined with the brown "camo patterns" on his upper legs and lower arms, it looks very cool and appropriately military-ish. I do have to comment, though, that the brown camo paint apps are rather sloppily done, and literally look as if someone just swept a brown paintbrush briefly a few times over the parts. The milky brown and black serve as the other main colors for Demolishor, and though they aren't anything to write home about, they complement the other colors pretty well and look nice. Same goes for the metallic rusty red paint apps on the lower legs and chest.
    Cybertron Demolishor is a nice, camoflauge-themed redeco of an excellent mold, but the mold is definitely wearing out its welcome, and the replacement of a Minicon with a remolded Cyber Key is rather cheap. Given that there's two paint jobs this toy has had that are better than this color scheme-- Powerlinx Demolishor and the Energon Armada Demolishor redeco-- and that both of those come with an actual Minicon, I'm hesitant to recommend this toy unless you're a big-time completist or absolutely cannot find any other versions of this mold.

Demolishor Bio:
Demolishor thinks just about as fast as he drives. He has heard rumors about the return of Galvatron. Quite frankly, he hoped they weren’t true. After working for the Decepticon leader for years, he’s been fine without someone bigger and badder than he is to kick him around. Still, given how thick Cybertron has been getting with Scrapmetal vermin, it’s be nice to have a few more Decepticons around to back him up.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 5.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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