Optimus Prime (Cybertron; Galaxy Force)
Vehicle ModeRobot ModeSuper Robot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Leader (Super)
Homeworld: Earth according the package, Cybertron according to the storyline
Cyber Key Code: lo9x
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Dull red, light gray, charcoal black, and some silver, white, transparent smoky black, transparent dark red, glossy light red, yellow, shiny metallic blue, black, dull metallic bronze, metallic gold, and metallic orange
Rating: 9.7

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Cybertron Optimus Prime. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Cybertron Optimus Prime here.)

    Galaxy Force Optimus Prime is one of the least-changed repaints in the Cybertron line, and that's not a good thing considering how expensive of a toy he is. The major change that has been made when compared to the original version is that the dark blue and some of the light gray have been replaced with a charcoal black. There are some other, more minor changes when it comes to plastic color, such as the fact that the hand-held rifle and part of each of the larger guns is now red, but that's not nearly enough to justify a repaint of the toy, in my opinion. The light gray is still pretty much the exact same color that it was on the original Cybertron Prime, and the red is only the slightest shade darker. I understand that the people in charge of the repaint wanted it to continue to look like Prime, but the same "Prime-y" colors could still have been used while keeping this repaint substantially different, like, say, swapping around the red and black colors or something like that. Most of the other changes from the original Prime are more minor, and have to deal with some of the paint apps-- the orange paint on the kneecaps has been changed to a very shiny metallic blue, for one, and the paint on the sides of the two big guns have been changed to the same metallic blue and a very attractive shade of metallic bronze. That color combo looks better there than it did on the original Cybertron Prime, I think. The knee-guns have been changed in color to red, and now have a nice-looking bronze paint app accenting them. Instead of Autobot symbols on his shoulders, Optimus now has symbols for each of the four main planets in the Cybertron line, two on each shoulder, to symbolize the unification of the Transformers race at the end of the cartoon. Very cool-looking, and a nice "finality" toy-wise to the Armada-Energon-Cybertron continuity, since there's no more Autobots and Decepticons, just Transformers. His Cyber Key is also FINALLY painted, with a nice metallic gold border and a chrome gold Autobot symbol. All of Galaxy Force Prime's changes aren't sunshine and lollipops, however. For one, the replacing of the light gray AND the dark blue on the arms with solid charcoal black lessens the variety of colors a bit, and no extra paint apps have been added in those areas to spice things up any. There's also been a few paint apps removed from around Prime's mouth, and he really needs those paint apps there to distinguish his features, especially now that they're black. The chest also looks more plain, since a few paint apps have been taken away from there as well.
    No mold changes have been made to Galaxy Force Optimus Prime.
    Galaxy Force Optimus Prime is a very good-looking repaint when taking by itself, but it's far too similar to the original Cybertron Optimus Prime to justify spending $40 on the toy again, unless you're an Optimus Prime completist. More effort really should have been put into a repaint of a toy this large, especially one that isn't a store exclusive.

Galaxy Force Optimus Prime Bio:
With the rediscovery of the lost colony worlds and the reunification of the Transformers race after millions of years, Optimus Prime has become the leader of far more people than he ever could have imagined. Cybertron Primus has been reactivated, the Planet Keys returned to their rightful place on Cybertron, and Galvatron and his Decepticons all but defeated. It is time, he thinks, for a new golden era of peace in the galaxy, and he has ordered the construction of a fleet of starships so that the Autobots might explore the galaxy around them, bringing peace and justice wherever they go. While many of the Autobot soldiers who fought with him are choosing to remove their weapons systems now that the war is over, Optimus Prime has decided to keep his, not because he hopes war will once again come, but as a reminder of what once was. He hopes to serve as a reminder to all those who would bring violence and tyranny to the universe that there are mighty warriors who will stand against them always.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 9.5
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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