Hot Shot (Cybertron)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode (with Key Gimmick activated)
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Homeworld: Speed Planet
Cyber Key Code: d85b
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dull sky blue, dark red, bluish black, transparent amber, and some light yellow, light red, metallic bluish silver, silver, and glossy sky blue
Rating: 9.3

    Hot Shot's vehicle mode is a futuristic sportscar, just like it's always been. Hot Shot looks even sleeker than he did in his previous versions-- which is expected, of course, now that he's on the Speed Planet. And his vehicle mode looks hecka cool because of it-- heck, even the windshield looks like it's being swept back some by Hot Shot's super-speed! His mold detailing is somewhat sparse, but I suppose that's to keep with his steamlined look. He does have a few cool details, though, like air vents on the front hood and little drivers' seats molded inside. Plug in his Cyber Key and two little wings pop out of his sides to give him a bit of a sub-flight mode, plus they also make him look a bit speedier, too. It's not super-impressive, but it is kinda cool. He also has a gun (mounted on his hood in this mode) that is your standard spring missile launcher. I am not fond of Hot Shot's new color scheme, however-- sky blue is just too "calm" of a color for a mile-a-minute guy like Hot Shot, and it just doesn't fit his character, especially after I've gotten so used to seeing him being primarily yellow. I'm not normally a big proponent of using a lot of yellow on Transformers, but the duller yellow used on Energon Hot Shot looked just fine, and yellow just fit him a bit more than this sky blue. Hot Shot does have some yellow still left on him-- in a triangular-shaped pattern but it clashes a little with the blue. The transparent amber, bluish-black, and red go just fine with him, however. Another minor complaint I have is that you can't open the side doors or anything like that, because of his transformation-- granted, it's not a realistic car, but I still like little details like that. But still, this is a really stellar alt mode.
    Not only is Hot Shot's robot mode also fantastic, but it's also a pretty major nod to G1 Hot Rod in almost everything but the color scheme. The transformation is almost identical, not to mention he's also got those three "exhaust pipe"-like extensions on the back of his hands and the Hot Rod-like fin extensions on his backside if you insert his Cyber Key. I also like the way the windshield/drivers' seat section hangs off his rear like some kind of medieval armor skirt. He still definite has some Hot Shot-esque features, though; his head has the familiar "racing helmet"-like visor, and he's got the big shoulders like Armada Hot Shot. His articulation isn't spectacular, but it's still pretty good; he can move at the head, the shoulders (at two points), the elbows, the hips, and the knees. I'm not too crazy about his arms, however; they're too skinny proportionally, and his elbows are too far down, to the point where his fists make up about half of his "lower arms". The wheels on the middle of his arms keep him from pointing his gun straight forward. But that's my only complaint except for the aforementioned color scheme; otherwise, he's got great proportions and great detailing.
    Hot Shot is an awesome toy all around, with few downsides. He got stiffed on his color scheme, and his arms are a bit wiggy in robot mode, but in all other areas he's a solid toy. Highly recommended.

Hot Shot Bio:
A natural leader with a lot yet to learn, Hot Shot often races straight into danger at top speed. He takes great pride in the fact that he's the fastest Autobot there is, but it isn't until he gets to the Speed Planet that he learns the true meaning of velocity. Faced by the almost unbeatable Override, Hot Shot needs to learn a whole new way of thinking about acceleration before he can win the Great Race.

Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 8.5
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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