Landmine (Cybertron)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode (with Key Gimmick activated)
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Homeworld: Earth
Cyber Key Code: dr94
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: "Cheese" yellow, black, milky bluish gray, brown, and some red, silver, and bright orange
Rating: 9.0

    Vehicle mode is a bulldozer. This mode is generally pretty good, with few problems. For one thing, the color scheme is very appropriate for a construction vehicle-- the gray, black, brown, and gray go together very well for a rough-'n-tough vehicle like Landmine. The "worn" silver paint app on the front of the shovel also adds a nice touch of realism. The only color I'm not too fond of is the red, as it clashes with the yellow a bit-- if it was a darker shade, it probably would've worked a little better. There's also a good amount of mold detailing on him, too, from the little exhaust pipes on top to the ladder details molded on the side of the vehicle. A big plus with this mode is how posable the shovel arm is-- it can move up & down at three different points, which is quite unusual for a bulldozer transformer. There are a few complaints I have here, though-- for one, there's virtually no clearance between the bottom of the bulldozer and the ground-- Landmine's robot legs form too bulky of an undercarriage. Secondly, the way the missile launcher is placed in this mode looks really odd-- I mean really, what kind of bulldozer has a long "tail" like that? And last but also least, the arms for the shovel are so big they partially eclipse the windows in this mode-- not a good sign if you're a construction worker and you can't see what you're doing, heh...
    Landmine has one of the best robot modes a construction 'bot has ever had. It's nearly flawless-- the proportions are perfect, and the vehicle extras, such as the shovels on the shoulders and the wheels on the back, accentuate the mode rather than detract from it. He'a also got superb articulation to boot-- he can move at any point you could reasonably expect on a toy of this size except for the wrists and waist. (However, the shovels on the arms get in the way of arm articulation a little.) He's got a great head sculpt-- it's very well detailed, both in the mold and paint departments, and he's got a battle-hardened but determined look on his face, which suits his character in Cybertron to the letter. His missile launcher is of good quality, though sadly, his Planet Key gimmick is rather lame-- you can attach his key to each wheel on his back, turn it, and little spikes pop out of it. It LOOKS cool, but you can't really do anything with it-- they can't reach in front of Landmine, so he basically has to back up into someone in battle to use them. Plus, he can't use them in his vehicle mode, since it raises the back half of the mode higher, not to mention the spikes collapse back into the wheel easier than I'd like.
    Cyber Key gimmick aside, Landmine is a very cool transformer, with an amazing robot mode and a good vehicle mode. Highly recommended.

Landmine Bio:
With a wisdom born of experience, and a tactical knowledge unmatched among the Autobot ranks, Landmine is a soldier other 'bots follow without reservation. He suffered heavy injuries in the final fight with Unicron. After crash-landing on Earth, he was repaired by the new human allies of the Autobots. An excellent battlefield commander, he's determined to prevent the Decepticons from gaining an edge by recovering the Earth Planet Key.
Strength: 8.5
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 7.5
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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