Repugnus (Cybertron)
Beast Mode (with Cyber Key gimmick activated)Robot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Scout (Basic)
Homeworld: Jungle Planet
Cyber Key Code: s48r
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, orangish yellow, dull red, and some bronze, silver, and sky blue
Rating: 7.3

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Undermine. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Undermine here.)

    Like Universe Repugnus, Cybertron Repugnus is a repaint that's a homage to G1 Repugnus, a monstrous Autobot who looked like a Decepticon. However, although the color scheme on Cybertron Repugnus does bear some major similarities to the character's predecessor, and that this toy is an Autobot who looks more like a Decepticon, Cybertron Repugnus is otherwise completely different from his G1 self. (After all, a spinosaurus is hardly considered a monster.) The red and orangish-yellow are true Repugnus colors, though by themselves, they would have seemed rather gaudy-- they don't clash, but the orangish-yellow does look a little too chicken-ish on the hands and feet like it is, and the red does nothing to offset such a look. Thank goodness Hasbro put two new colors into the mix-- black and bronze. The black looks especially cool, especially on the face-- combined with the light blue eyes and bronze mouth, this mold's already menacing face looks three times as menacing as Undermine's with this great color decor. The black main body and tail also help to set off a nice contrast with the red and orange-yellow. The bronze plastic is only used in a few places-- the aforementioned jaw, as well as the upper legs and part of the robot waist piece-- but it's also a nice contrasting color to the others, though I wish it was used in place of the orange-yellow parts, then this toy would have looked really, REALLY cool. Repugnus has the same amount of paint apps as Undermine-- i.e, enough to be satisfactory, but a few more couldn't have hurt-- but they're largely in different places. The silver and red used both serve as good contrasting colors where they're used, and I especially like the now-painted red "neck ribs" and underside of the mouth of the beast mode, they're appropriately reptilian and contrast great with the black.
    No mold changes have been made to Repugnus, but several people (including myself) have noticed that the leg joints are noticeably looser than on Undermine. However, they're not so loose as to flop around or make the toy unable to support itself, so this isn't any big deal.
    Cybertron Repugnus is a very cool repaint and a nice, subtle nod to the G1 toy of the same name. I could've done without the orange-yellow,k but it isn't used too much, and the other colors look great enough to offset it. Recommended slightly over Undermine.

Repugnus Bio:
Among the very few places on the Jungle Planet not firmly under the control of Scourge are the fetid swamps in the valleys at the foot of the Steel Shard Mountains. Here, Repugnus rules. His subjects rejoice in the sinking slime they call home. He protects their freedom fiercely, using his intimate knowledge of the swamps to isolate and destroy any invaders. So dedicated is he to freedom that he even exiled his own brother - Undermine - for being in league with Scourge.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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