Thundercracker (Cybertron)
Vehicle ModeVehicle Mode (Key Gimmick activated)Robot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Homeworld: Earth
Cyber Key Code: d98d
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Gray, moderately light blue, and some orange, black, silver, milky silverish gray, and transparent orange
Rating: 6.7

    Thundercracker's vehicle mode is a realistic jet. His vehicle mode looks very nice, and is virtually flawless; the only robot extras at the top of the robot legs, which are a little visible on the sides of the underbelly, but the small front wings help to cover this up some and it's a very, very minor complaint, as the legs fit in with the overall shape of the vehicle anyways. He could use a bit more mold detailing on the top, but the great-looking orange wash apps used on his wings help bring out most of the details on him while make it look like he's humming with power at the same time. He has four missiles affixed to the bottoms of his wings, and though they don't fire, they're a nice detail and give him some extra firepower. Some other nice little details are the transparent cockpit with a seat and control panel molded inside it, and the retractable landing gear. The overall color scheme of gray, silver, and blue (with a bit of orange for accent coloration) is very good, too, and gives the toy very much of a realistic jet feel (in all but the orange wash on the wings), while still giving him a color scheme resembling that of G1 Thundercracker. His Key Gimmick is also rather cool in this mode-- insert it into his back section and the middle part of Thundercracker's backside springs up, revealing a missile launcher! It's well-hidden, and a great idea.
    Thundercracker's robot mode is where it all falls apart, sadly. There is very little that's good about this mode, so I suppose I'll get that out of the way first. His color scheme is still good. He's reasonably stable. The idea of opening up his legs and switching out the turbines for feet during transformation is an original spin on an otherwise "been there, done that" transformation. His articulation is also rather good-- he can move at the head, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points on the gun-arm), the hips (at two points), and the knees. However, that's about it. For one, his legs are downright awful-- they're far too skinny, they just out from the sides of what should be Thundercracker's stomach, and the feet are laughably small, even if they do keep him stable because he's not back heavy. The sculpting on his head is also off a little-- his mouth puffs out a big from his eyes and nose, making him look kinda chubby when that clearly wasn't the intention. The arms also simply do NOT connect to the main body at the shoulders-- the shoulder panels don't have any pegs at all to connect to. This has two effects; first, the missile-launcher arm swings down and out from the body far too easily; and second, the normal arm sits out a centimeter or two from the main body, which looks a little odd. The Key Gimmick is also absolutely useless in this mode; all it does is open up the missile launcher-arm, making the upper piece floppy because it's on a spring, and you can fire the missile without using the key in this mode anyways!
    Thundercracker has a great vehicle mode, but his robot mode is rather bad, bordering on awful. My least favorite of the Wave 1 Cybertron figures.

Thundercracker Bio:
This loyal Decepticon works under the command of Starscream for the recovery of the Planet Key on Earth. Thundercracker believes that the most effective way to defeat an enemy is to terrorize and demoralize him before attacking. The mere sound of his focused sonic booms—audible for more than 200 miles—is enough to frighten many other Transformers.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 5.0
Fireblast: 6.5
Skill: 6.0

Review by Beastbot

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