Depth Charge
Depth Charge Toy
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Ultra
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Chrome gold, blue, purple, light gray, and cyan, with some red and yellow
Rating: 7.9

    Beast mode is a metallized manta ray. This mode is very nicely done, with the only downside being that his eyes can disconnect a little easily. Although there isn’t much available movement in this mode except for the wings, it is one of the few transmetals that has the body structure a lot like its actual animal.
    Vehicle mode is a manta ray with his wings moved to a vertical positon. This isn’t much of a vehicle mode, although it looks like a Cybertron Skyhopper (if you’re not sure what a Skyhopper is, watch the episode Deep Metal).
    Robot mode has some big extras, but is otherwise fine. He can shoot discs out of his chest, and this is the only weapon of any of the Beast Wars toys that has more than three missles for one weapon. His end of his manta ray tail becomes a spear, and his little remora becomes a gun that can fire two missles at once! (However, this is only how many missles he has.) His wings and front end of the manta ray tail stick out on his backside, making it hard for him to stand up. The wings would complement the robot mode is they weren't so huge in comparison to the rest of the body. His waist sort of looks odd because of the transformation sequence, also, and his manta ray “feelers” stick out on his knees.
    A very nice toy, overall; a lot of extras in robot mode, though.

Depth Charge Bio:
FUNCTION: Aquatic Forces Commander
A magnificent giant soars through the oceans in regal silence. Depth Charge was commissioned by Optimus Primal to act as a first line of defense against Predacon undersea aggressors. Though he would rather study military strategies than execute them, Depth Charge is a dedicated fighter and inspired leader. Nuclear cybershark drone conducts recon missions, doubles as reinforcement in battle, and fires dual proton torpedoes. Intermediate space-cruiser mode can achieve planetary orbit or withstand the deepest oceanic pressures. As a robot, he fires shrapnel grenades from his chest and can maintain a force field for five mega cycles. With unshakable nerves and Energon-cutlass in hand, Depth Charge leads his brave platoon into battle.
Strength: 9.0
Speed: 8.0
Rank: 10.0
Firepower: 9.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Endurance: 9.0
Courage: 10+
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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