
Real Name: Irene Adler

Mutant Power: Ability to predict the different pathways and probabilities of the future, to a limited extent

Voice Actor: Ellen Kennedy

Guest Appearance: "Rogue Recruit" and "Self Possessed"

Back Story: Not much is known about Destiny. She has apparently been working with the Brotherhood for some time. She adopted Rogue from Mystique back when Rogue was about 11 or so, and raised the girl until she was 16, at which time Rogue's Mutant abilities manifested and Rogue went to live with the other Brotherhood members in Bayville. Destiny was apparently supposed to keep Rogue's Mutant powers under wraps during this time, but her limited powers could not enable her to see exactly when Rogue's powers emerged, only in what form they would take. She seemed to generally be a good mother when she parented Rogue, even though she tried to manipulate Rogue in the end to join the Brotherhood when her Mutant powers emerged. Destiny is also at least acquaintances with Mystique, and has remained loyal to her even after the seperation of the Brotherhood from Magneto.

Personality: Honestly, Destiny didn't have a big enough part to really get to know her well in the series. She's blind, but she's obviously been for a very long time, as she gets around pretty well. She seems to be a rather calm individual, but a definite subordinate to Mystique. She loves Rogue, and wants what is best for her, but sometimes she can be a bit manipulative if she wants to achieve those ends bad enough. And that'

Final Reflection: Y'know, out of all the episodes that focused on Rogue, I think the writers could've taken out one of the less necessary ones and instead put in one that really cleared up her involvement with Destiny. So... Destiny AND Mystique both adopted Rogue, at different times? The series makes this oddly unclear. And how did Destiny discover Rogue in the first place? Those were really major questions that deserved an answer.

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