Dinobot (Transmetal 2)
Dinobot Transmetal 2's Beast ModeDinobot Transmetal 2's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Chrome light purple, off-white, and dark blue, with some red
Rating: 9.2

    Beast mode is a metallic mutated velociraptor skeleton. This mode looks creepy and very evil. His tail can swing back and forth by moving a lever back and forth on his rear area. His legs look great and aren’t oddly placed like the original Dinobot’s, although they are a little skinny and don't support the beast mode too well. The only major complaint I have is his arms look odd because they are his legs in his robot mode. They also can’t close together very well. He has a great pouncing position, though. His Transmetal 2 orb is under his forehead plate.
    Robot mode looks very evil, also. He has some wires on his arms and legs, which get in the way a little, but look nice. His claws are odd looking, but very fierce and large. His face has a nice mutated look to it, with one of his eyes being a circular laser generator. His shoulder armor does stick out a bit, but can fold easily. His back plates can come loose a little easily. His arms are a little longer in proportion to his body than his legs, but they look nice this way.
    A very nice robot; highly recommended if you like Predacons.

Dinobot Transmetal 2 Bio:
FUNCTION: Special Operations Combatant
An eerie amoral regeneration of the former Maximal hero, Dinobot was synthetically
reanimated on-line as a vicious combat expert. Silent and utterly depraved, Dinobot wields his deadly warrior skills at Megatron's beckon call. A skeletal hybrid of organic and Cybertronian life, he slices through any substance with Transmetallized talons. Moves at lightening speed with reptilian cunning. This ruthless clone paralyzes his prey by channeling Rampage's noxious Spark energy, which now fuels his existence.
Strength: 8.6
Intelligence: 6.3
Speed: 7.7
Endurance: 7.5
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 8.9
Firepower: 6.8
Skill: 9.5

Review by Beastbot

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