Ironhide (Activator; DotM)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Charcoal black, and some light electric bluek, moderately dark blue, silver, dull flat grayish blue, light milky gray, and dark red
Rating: 5.5

    In typical Activator fashion, Ironhide's alt mode is squashed and stretched a little, which is appropriate given the young age range this subline is targeted at. Compared to most of the other Activators, though, Ironhide's proportions in this mode aren't too far off; his truck bed is certainly shorter, and the lines are a bit more rounded and "chubbier", and his roof could stick out a bit higher above the level of the front bit and truck bed-- but other than that, he's actually fairly accurate to his Topkick vehicle mode. The mold detailing for this mode is fairly minimal, emphasizing only the "major" details like the doors, smokestacks, front grill, and the like. As you'd expect from a Movie Ironhide toy, he's almost entirely black in coloration in this mode, though most of it is a bit more of an impure, "charcoal" black than a "real" black-- the latter of which I would have preferred, but he still doesn't look too bad. His paint aps help add a bit more color variety, such as the silver on the front grill and smokestacks, the gray/blue bumper, and the dark blue windows, all of which look quite nice against the black (though I would've preferred having his headlights painted bronze or gold or something). The window coloration is a particularly eye-catching shade, and in particular helps to keep this mode from looking boring. As with other Activators, there's a large "transformation" buttom on the back end of this mode, so Ironhide doesn't have much of a rear bumper, and what he does is, sadly, unpainted. The trigger button is painted a bright electric blue to make it blantantly obvious what you're supposed to press in, so not much of a chance of confusion here.
    As with all Dark of the Moon Activators, Ironhide is transformed by pushing in on said button on the rear side of his vehicle mode and standing him up. The front halves of his truck mode separate out to become his arms, his head pushes up a bit, and part of his roof folds back to become mold detailing of his legs on the front of the "stump" you stand him up on. It's hardly a flattering silouhette, but it fits the gimmick. The arms are the worst part-- they're simply arm details molded onto the inside of the truck front halves, and the actual arm detailing is difficult to see in most cases. It doesn't really look like an arm regardless, and it can only move forward and a bit back-- but then again, articulation isn't really the point of Activators, is it? His bottom "stump" also looks pretty weak, with the panel with robot foot mold detailing not being nearly big enough to cover up the entire bottom front section, thus making it look like he's "hovering in midair" slightly given the dark nature of the plastic. The mold detailing on Ironhide's chest and head are fantastic, though, and-- considering the proportions-- quite movie-accurate. Even his head hasn't been as "chibi-fied" as many other Activators', and more or less looks like his "normal" movie head. There's also some great mold detailing on the back of this mode of... well... his robot back, which was unnecessary given how it's not readily visible in either mode, but it's appreciated. The silver on the head and "feet", along with the bluish gray bit on his chest, helps to break up all the black on this mode a bit better than it did in vehicle mode, so he's not as one-tone as you'd think here, either. The hinges that connect his shoulders to his arms are that rather boring, ugly color of milky gray, but it's used so sparingly on this toy that I don't think it's a big deal.
    Activator Ironhide is-- more or less-- a middle-of-the-road toy in the subline, with some nice paint detailing and a pretty good vehicle mode, all things considered. However, the arms in robot mode are particularly horrible on this toy, and he still has all the bad limitations in robot mode of the Activators' usual design, such as a weird stump leg. If you want an Ironhide for a little kid that doesn't really get complex transformations yet, this may be worth a look, but otherwise it's an easy pass.

Ironhide (Activator) Bio:
The older Ironhide gets, the wiser he becomes. His battle experience is second only to Optimus Prime. His memory banks, though nearly filled to capacity, remain hyper accurate. He routinely regales fellow Autobots with harrowing tales of battles long since won.

Review by Beastbot

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