Optimus Prime (Battle Steel; DotM)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Commander
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Very dark blue, metallic moderately dark red, moderately light milky gray, silver, and some black, light sky blue, and metallic orange
Rating: 8.8

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original DotM Commander class Optimus Prime. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original DotM Commander class Optimus Prime here.)

    Battle Steel Optimus Prime's core color scheme-- that is, red, blue, and gray-- hasn't changed much on this redeco. However, the placement of said colors and the shade of them varies quite a bit. The dark blue is a bit more prevalent this time around, and an even darker shade than it usually is on Prime-- it's still definitely recognizable as blue and not black, but only just so. The red is a slightly more vibrant, more metallic shade of the color, and looks quite dynamic contrasting with the blue, particularly in vehicle mode where it's (mostly) right up against the dark blue going on a straight line back from the top sides of the figure. The milky gray is mostly used on Optimus Prime's new weapon accessories for this version of the mold, which are a pair of cannons that can either be pointed backwards/downwards to look like a jetpack/booster, or can be flipped forwards in vehicle mode (or separated and held in the hands in robot mode) to become cannons. They're a pretty cool little accessory, and they also come with two sword accessories that Optimus can hold in robot mode or store on the cannon backpack in vehicle mode. The swords aren't quite as versatile as the cannons, but they're sculpted very well and the metallic orange paint they're covered in looks pretty darn cool. I'm not a fan of the swirly light gray on the cannons-- as you likely know if you've been reading my reviews for a while-- but it's used fairly little on this toy so it doesn't bug me much. The rest of Optimus Prime's "gray" parts are actually painted silver on this toy (such as the windows, steps on the sides, and the smokestacks), and as such look pretty spiffy. There's also some black-- mostly limited to his wheels and a few minor parts in robot mode-- that, while nice, look very close to the blue because how dark the latter color is.
    Besides the different weapon accessories, no mold changes have been made to Battle Steel Optimus Prime.
    Battle Steel Optimus Prime-- being another movie Prime redeco, and released alongside so many other movie Prime toys and redecoes-- was unneeded, to be sure, but it still looks good. Although I would've liked the dark blue to have been a tad lighter to contrast better against the black, the metallic red looks GREAT against it, and the accessories he comes with for this version are aces. My favorite release of this mold that isn't in some larger multi-pack, overall.

Optimus Prime (Battle Steel) Bio:
Decepticons dare not attack Optimus Prime unless they love his Energon swords dicing up their armor! He is a highly skilled warrior whose library of battle strategies is constantly evolving and improving!
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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