Bumblebee (Legion; original solo release) [DotM]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legion
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, glittery dull yellow, and some silver and dark metallic bluish gray
Rating: 8.2

    Bumblebee's new tiny toy models his modified Camaro alt mode quite well, being pretty proportional in all respects while having the additional spoiler and modified bumper added to this toy. He's also entirely robot mode extra-free in this mode; even the robot feet that were at the back end of his previous Legion-class movieverse toys fold down on this toy so that there's exhaust pipes and part of the rear bumper molded in there. Bumblebee's color scheme is the usual dull yellow and black, here; nothing we haven't seen tons of times before, so you probably already know my thoughts on it (i.e., I'm not a huge fan, but it's not ugly)-- that said, the shade of swirly, glittery dull yellow makes the color scheme look about as good here as it's going to get. As far as paint apps go, all of his necessary details-- such as the stripes, windows, and front bumper-- are all painted appropriately (the paint used for the windows is a particularly good shade). That said, the rear bumper could've used a paint app or two.
    Bumblebee's transformation to robot mode is pretty much the same as on his other small movieverse toys, but there's an important difference here-- he has KNEES. Oh, glorious knees-- certainly something much appreciated on a toy this small. They also make his robot mode look more proportional. (That said, his arms are still rather skinny, simply being molded on the inside of his car door pieces-- though the wheels being on the shoulders this time helps to "buff them up" a tad.) He has a bit of his car hood hanging behind his main body, but it's no huge unsightly deal and doesn't get in the way of movement one bit. The mold detailing is quite good and rather crisp in this mode, with the headsculpt in particular looking the best and most accurate it ever has at this scale. One arm is molded in its cannon form, whereas the other has a thumb sticking out so that he can hold Cyberverse weapons or grasp Cyberverse-scaled handles. As far as total articulation, Bumblebee can move at the shoulders (at two points), hips, knees, and ankles-- top-notch for a figure of this size.
    Bumblebee is a great DotM Legion toy-- one of the best of the line, in fact, and improved over either of his previous movieverse toys in this category. If you're looking for a small, accurate movieverse Bumblebee toy, this is the one to get, no question.

Bumblebee Bio:
Bumblebee balances his strict sense of duty with a lighthearted sense of humor. The other Autobots know they can rely on him in even the most dangerous situations, both to watch their backs, and lighten the tension with a well-timed joke.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 3.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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