Optimus Prime (Fireburst) [DotM]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Very dark flat blue, milky moderately light brownish gray, transparent red, and some red, light orange, transparent orange, metallic gunmetal gray, moderately dark gray, and black
Rating: 8.0

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original DotM voyager Optimus Prime toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original DotM voyager Optims Prime toy here.)

    Optimus Prime's "Fireburst" color scheme, as a whole, doesn't change too much from his normal color scheme. The red's still there on the front of the truck and on part of the upper body, and he still has those various shades of grays and blues on him. However, the gray used on Prime is SLIGHTLY lighter in color than on the original DotM voyager, and a tad brownish too. Honestly, it looks a tad ugly/dirty; I would have preferred that they had stuck with the original light gray, as boring as it was. The dark blue is also a very, VERY dark blue, almost to the point of being black-- another color change that, by itself, makes him look a bit worse, overall. However, what really makes Fireburst Optimus Prime shine are the "fiery" parts of his deco. No longer does he have flames on the side of his truck mode, but orange cracks resembling magma-- it contrasts extremely well against the dark blue, along with the light orange paint apps on his fuel tanks. The coolest addition of all, though, has to be his transparent orange and red plastic. On the original DotM voyager, I didn't know why he had so much transparent plastic-- it was mostly clear, and looked rather ugly and out-of-place on the figure. That is most DEFINITELY not the case here-- the top of his roof and truck nose are now a fiery orange plastic that not only goes great with the dark blue, but is also patterned to look like cooling magma, with the dark blue paint on the transparent orange/red slowly tapering off the farther along you go on the figure. It's a very cool effect, and the transparent red windows also help add to his "fiery" theme a bit more.
    Fireburst Optimus Prime's core figure doesn't have any mold changes, but he has a new Mechtech weapon. In its normal mode it's a long-barreled blaster, but by pressing down on a small tab on the underside of the weapon his transparent axe halves come together at the top to form a mighty battle axe! Even better, unlike most Mechtech weapons it can actually stay locked in this mode at least somewhat securely, and just plain looks cool with all the detailing on the transparent orange plastic, like it's an "energy axe" or something.
    Fireburst Optimus Prime's main colors are either the same as the original DotM voyager Optimus' or a little worse, but his awesome fiery paint app effects and transparent plastic more than overcome them. I wish his robot mode looked a bit more different instead of most of the changes being to his vehicle mode, and that there had been at least one MAJOR color change, but it still catches the eye in vehicle mode and is the version of this mold I'd recommend the most.

Optimus Prime (Fireburst) Bio:
Optimus Prime fights with the utmost valor, courage and power. His dominance over the Decepticons is due to countless centuries of battle experience, a might armament and a virtuous Spark. Even so, widespread threats to the Autobots and Optimus Prime still exist-- there is no time to rest, there is no time for defeat, there is only time for victory!
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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