Laserbeak transformed
into a lot of different things in the movie-- a copier machine, a computer
monitor, even a miniature pink version of Bumblebee(?!?). Unfortunately,
all of them were completely ridiculous transformations-- the very definition
of "parts coming out of/folding into nowhere"-- and couldn't be replicated
to any believable extent in toy form. So instead, Laserbeak has a bird-like
osprey helicopter for his vehicle mode. Yeah, okay, it's pretty obvious
where his bird parts like his head, legs, wings, etc. are, but if you ignore
the feet on the bottom, this is actually a passable osprey mode. At the
very least, it's MUCH better of an alt mode than Laserbeak's fellow
minion got in the RotF line. For the cockpit nose, the window detailing
is rather small (though at least it's painted)-- there's also some neat
bird-like tribal decos on the sides of the cockpit piece, in case it wasn't
obvious enough of this vehicle mode's bird-like other mode. The turbines
look pretty darned solid overall, and can move at two points each near
the center of the vehicle. The tailfin piece is a bit weak, with the spike
ending to Laserbeak's tail rather obviously sticking out the back end.
I REALLY wish that those darn feet could fold up more or tuck in somewhere,
though, as they don't look remotely like anything on an actual osprey helicopter.
(The feet can move at where they meet the main body in this mode for better
stabilization.) There's also a few feather pieces along the main body that
fold up fairly nicely in this mode, though given that they're red and the
surrounding plastic is gray, they stand out pretty clearly regardless.
As far as Laserbeak's basic color goes, it's mostly gray with some red
and black accents-- nothing spectacular, but a bit reminiscent of his G1
version and the colors certainly don't clash. Laserbeak has five Mechtech
ports available in this mode-- one on the top and bottom of each of his
turbines, as well as one in the top of the cockpit piece. Laserbeak's Mechtech
weapons are pretty darned cool-- they're initially two different rotary
guns, but you can slide one into the other to create a longer machine gun,
complete with the barrel flipping around when you plug them together. Plus,
best of all, they can actually STAY in this "extended" mode, unlike with
most other Mechtech weapons.
Laserbeak's transformation
mostly consists of extending out his bird body parts, but it works quite
well in giving him a movie-accurate creepy bird/vulture mode. His bird
feet extend outwards from his gray feet pieces, his tail extends and unfolds
outwards a bit, his cockpit swings down and into his main body quite well
while his neck extends, and the wings in particular are cool-- it's amazing
to see how they compressed so many feather pieces into such a little space
in vehicle mode, and just how much unfolding goes on during the transformation.
The spikes along his spine are also more prevalent in this mode, and combining
that with his spiky tail and wings, Laserbeak definitely looks like one
dangerous bird-bot here. The mold detailing was decent enough in vehicle
mode, but in bird mode it really shines-- the exposed hings and pistons
along his sides, the angular details on the wings, the intricate spiky
segmented bits on his long neck and tail-- it's all good. The blue and
red paint apps really help make his head stand out and look menacing, though
I'm not personally too fond of the silver fade on Laserbeak's wings-- it
looks a bit off for a reason I can't quite put a finger on. Another big
positive is the sheer amount of articulation Laserbeak has here-- he can
move at the mouth, neck (at four points), hips, knees, ankles, at two points
along the base of each wing, at three different points among the feathers
of each wing, and at five points along his tail. So you can get him into
some pretty boss perching/striking poses, in particular. Laserbeak essentially
loses the Mechtech port on his cockpit given it's below his stomach in
this mode, but his other Mechtech ports are all available in this mode.
Dark of the Moon deluxe
Laserbeak has an excellent bird mode, and though his vehicle mode is a
bit iffy in several respects, at least you can tell what type of vehicle
it's supposed to be and not just his bird mode in an awkward position.
Mildly recommended, particularly if you like the character-- which is easy,
given the surprisingly large amount of screentime he has in the movie.
Review by Beastbot