(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the Autobot Alliance deluxe Ironhide toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the Autobot Alliance deluxe Ironhide toy here.)
Like the other releases
in the Toys "R" Us Exclusive "Scan Series" subline, Ironhide's toy release
here is meant to signify when he first scans his GMC Topkick vehicle mode
in TF1; as such, the front half (or top half, depending on which mode you're
in) looks pretty much identical to his "Autobot Alliance" deluxe release,
with a few minor differences. First, the headlights are now simply silver
instead of orange; also, his windows are clear instead of dark blue, which
lets you see some of his robot parts more obviously inside; and he has
a rather bland light milky gray plastic used for many of his robot parts
instead of the more blue-tinted plastic used on the original Autobot Alliance
release. The bronze detailing has also been minimized. Now, if these were
all the changes, I'd say that this version of Ironhide looks more boring
and monochrome than the original; thankfully, that's not the case. The
hallmark of the "Scan Series" is an EXTREMELY cool "scan" white line around
the middle of the mode, with some blue electronic-looking lines around
the scan line, with the back half of the mode being made almost entirely
of clear plastic (to signify, I suppose, that Ironhide is still internally
configuring himself back there into his new mode). Regardless, it's a very
awesome effect that really makes the toy. Plus, unlike on some of the other
"Scan Series" toys, the "half-and-half" look carries over to robot mode
due to Ironhide's transformation, so it still looks like he's in mid-scan
there, too.
No mold changes have
been made to DotM Scan Series Ironhide.
Scan Series Ironhide
not only has a great "mid-scan" gimmick with half being "normal" and half
being clear with some really wicked paint apps in-between, but it's also
one of the better-done ones of the exclusive series, with the separation
between the solid bits and the clear bits carrying over well into robot
mode, as well. If you liked Movie Ironhide's design but thought his color
scheme was too boring, this is a toy you should seriously consider picking
up, even at TRU's slightly inflated prices.
Review by Beastbot