(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the Classics Knockdown toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the Classics Knockdown toy here.)
Doing this mold in G1
Dinobot colors wasn't as large of a change color-wise when compared with
the other Classics Minicons who were recolored like Dinobots, given that
original version of this toy as Knockdown was already in Dinobot-esque
colors. The main thing here is that the gold parts here were grayish on
Knockdown, and the gray parts on Triceradon here were a dark brown on Knockdown.
So it's basically a pallet switch here, though that's not to say that this
version doesn't look G1 Dinobotty-- the bronze and gray plastic go together
fairly well, and the bits of light red and silver serve as nice contrast
colors (though the red face in robot mode is a bit much). The bit of metallic
bronze paint on the tail also looks ace, but unfortunately that's the only
place it's used on Triceradon. The dark glossy blue used for Triceradon's
beast mode eyes is also a great color that contrasts well with the surrounding
bronze-- G1 callback or not, I wish it had been used more on this toy.
No mold changes have
been made to DotM Triceradon.
Triceradon is one of
the weaker Classics Minicon molds, and though his color scheme remains
decent enough with this G1 Dinobot-colors redeco, unless you're a particularly
big Minicon fan it's not great enough where I'd pull the trigger. If you're
going to get a version of this mold, get the better-colored Stockade
Review by Beastbot
*This toy was also released with Age of Extinction Generations deluxe Dinobot Slug as part of a Toys "R" Us exclusive "Evolution of Slug" 2-pack-- the name may have changed, but the toy release is exactly the same for that version as for this version.