Dr. Trask

Full Name: Bolivar Trask

Mutant Power: N/A; Bolivar's a regular human.

Voice Actor: John Novak

Guest Appearances: "Day of Reckoning, Part 1"; "Day of Reckoning, Part 2"; "The Stuff of Heroes"; and "Uprising"

Back Story: Dr. Trask had apparently worked for the top-secret government agency S.H.I.E.L.D. for a short while- just long enough to learn about "Mutant scum" before the general public, he says. After a while, he broke off and formed his own vigilante agency, whose sole goal was to develop technology to "protect" humans from Mutants. He, along with other scientists, eventually developed the Sentinel robot for such means. Of course, the whole Sentinel experiment backfired when Magneto used it to further his own ends and made Mutantkind public knowledge while he was at it. Although the X-Men were initially suspected of being behind the Sentinel robot, the law enforcement officials eventually wisened up and discovered Dr. Trask as the real perpetrator. Dr. Trask was put in prison for some time, but as tensions heightened later in response to the appearance of Apocalypse's weird energy domes, Nick Fury released him and ordered him to re-enstate his Sentinel project to protect mankind from whatever threat the domes may present. That means that Dr. Trask is now freeeee....

Personality: Dr. Trask is a very bitter individual, dead set towards eliminating all Mutants. Oddly enough, there is no known past Mutant-related tragedy in his life that is behind his feelings of resentment. He does recognize that not all Mutants are inherently bad, but he does realize (rightly, I might add) that no matter what their intentions, battles between opposing Mutant factions almost always mean humans get caught in the crossfire. As such, even though he's obviously taken the wrong means to achieve his end goal, Dr. Trask is another gray character in X-Men: Evolution. And you know I looove those!

Final Reflections: Me, I wonder what happened to Trask after S.H.I.E.L.D. used him to reinstate his Sentinel program. Did they let him free? Lock him up again? Not pay close enough attention to him so that he got away again and developed more evil, more powerful Sentinels? The answers are in potential fanfics, I suppose.

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