Demolishor (Energon)
Vehicle ModeRobot ModeHyper Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Charcoal gray, green, transparent dark green, brown, silver, and some purple, metallic purple, metallic orange, black, dark orange, and metallic bluish silver
Powerlinx ports: 4 (although only 2 are accessible in any mode)
Rating: 7.8

    Demolishor's vehicle mode has undergone a major change- instead of a futuristic missile tank, he's now... a dump truck. Some upgrade, eh? Anyways, that's actually one of my complaints about this toy, although it has to do more with the toy's name than the toy itself (so I'm not taking off any points for this one)- this just doesn't look like an upgrade of Demolishor at all. Other than being a Decepticon packing a lot of firepower, there's absolutely no relation between Energon Demolishor and Armada Demolishor. As for the vehicle mode itself, it probably looked very good on paper. But it doesn't translate that well into real life. From a front view, or even a diagonal view as pictured above, Demolishor looks great. But look at him from more of a side view and the believability of this mode just falls apart. There's just this HUGE gap in the middle of his side in vehicle mode, and his robot legs are just so incredibly obvious on the bottom half. The feet also kinda stick out behind the truck- maybe molding the front of the feet so that they looked like exhaust pipes in this mode would have made them a bit less obvious. The wheels connected to the feet also don't line up quite right, making Demolishor look like he's got a bit of a flat on his back tires from the way this mode is tilted slightly. Another, more minor, quibble- WHY does Demolishor have this HUGE Decepticon symbol on his dump truck bed!? It's so big it looks ridiculous. Not to mention he doesn't need it at all, seeing as how he already has two Decepticon symbols on the front of this mode. I guess he makes good Autobot target practice. Demolishor has an excellent color scheme, though. It hearkens back to the G1 Constructicons, what with the green and purple, but it throws a few more colors into the mix, such as silver and brown, that really complement everything wonderfully. I literally wouldn't change a thing about Demolishor's paint job and scheme (minus taking away the big honkin' Decepticon symbol). You can also move around his truck bed, whether you want to either "dump his cargo" or fire some of his missiles. Speaking of missiles, Demolishor has FOUR individually triggered missiles- a number that, I believe, is unprecedented in a Transformer of this size. (He does look like he has eight, but half of those are just fake details. It seems that it's Demolishor's curse to never be able to fire more than half his missiles. I can understand why they did this, though- having a whopping eight firing missiles would've been expensive.)
    Demolishor's robot mode is VERY cool. He still has that great color scheme, only now that delicious metallic purple makes it even better. I also like the metallic blue-silver "belt buckle" detailing near his waist, and the "worn metal" paint decoes on his feet and his waist-bumper (which is also where his Decepticon spark crystal is, in case you're wondering). The criss-cross "stitching" that goes along his chest is also interesting. The best part about this mode, though, is the robot head- it's one of the neatest-looking Energon Decepticon faces, and that's saying a lot. The purple fin and circular "ears" really look great, as does the large chin and slitted eyes. It looks very Vehicon-ish, which to me is definitely a good thing. Yes, Demolishor's main body is a bit wide, but it works for a stocky guy like him. The large missile pack on his back also complements the mode rather than just detracting from it- it shows that he's got a load of firepower and he's not afraid to use it. In addition, Demolishor's got great articulation- he can move at he head, the shoulders (at two points), the elbows, the waist, the hips (at two points), and the knees (at two points). So you can get him into a good deal of poses, even if he does tend to be a bit back-heavy with that missile pack. The only thing I'm not very fond of in this mode are his arms- they're transparent, which I don't like on main body parts because it looks weird, but they're also too small when compared with the rest of his body. A bulky guy like Demolishor needs beefier arms.
    Demolishor's "hyper mode" is admittedly pretty stupid. You basically just rotate his head down and his missile pack up so that he can fire it straight. His head looks absolutely ridiculous just jutting from his guy like that, though, and this also brings into view all the unsightly square plastic pieces that connect the missile pack to his main body.
    Demolishor's vehicle mode is not very solid at all, and his hyper mode is weak at best, but his robot mode is GREAT, and his color scheme can't be beat. He's also got an unprecedented number of firing missiles on a deluxe-sized toy. When stacked up against the other Decepticons, he tends to be with the weaker ones, but that's not saying much, since they're nearly all great. Mildly recommended.

Demolishor Bio:
MOTTO: "Your cries of pain are music to my ears."
Demolishor is a nasty Decepticon with an equally nasty weapons arsenal. To challenge him would be futile. He loves the thrill of the fight but he especially enjoys inflicting pain on his enemies. In vehicle mode, he is a burly dump truck that is stacked with powerful Energon launchers capable of taking down any Autobot that stands in his way. Though a bit uncontrollable at times, Megatron prides Demolishor as one of the Decepticons greatest warriors.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 5.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 5.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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