Energon Saber Team

Allegiance: Minicon
Size: Basic (Mini-Con 3-pack)
Team Gimmick: Ability to combine into the Energon Saber sword
Overall Rating: 6.1

(NOTE: Because this set is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it the Air Defense Team. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the Air Defense Team here.)

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Light brownish gray, dark flat navy blue, transparent yellow, and some silver, gunmetal, and black
Individual Rating: 7.0

    Scattor is a remold of Armada Jetstorm, and, like the other Energon Saber remolds, it's an aesthetic remold to a part of his vehicle mode; nothing articulation-related or anything like that has been changed, so in those respects, he's like his previous mold versions. Scattor is a futuristic-style jet with four butterfly-like wings. It's actually very cool-looking. The detailing on those parts is also pretty mecha-futuristic, too, so it adds wonderfully to the whole flavor Scattor has going for him. The butterfly wings also work great in his robot mode, too; it looks like Scattor's got a pair on insect wings on his back that he can flutter instead of just triangular straight plane wings. The color scheme also works fairly nice, too, although I would have perhaps changed the brownish-gray to a more solid gray. The transparent yellow "non-aligned" Energon plastic used for the main body is also a nice touch.

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light brownish gray, transparent yellow, dark flat navy blue, gunmetal, and some silver and black
Individual Rating: 7.6

    Skyboom, a remold of Armada Sonar, has probably the least significant remold out of the three Team members. Basically all that's been done to him mold-wise is the addition of another small pair of wings nearer to the front. They look pretty nice, but the futuristic detailing used on the transparent bits on the center are directly in contrast to the "just modern" detailing on the rest of Skyboom. It just doesn't mesh very well. The color scheme tends to work fairly well, though- I have the same comments for it on Skyboom as I do on Scattor.

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Transparent yellow, light brownish gray, and some black, gunmetal, and silver
Individual Rating: 5.8

    Wreckage is the member of the team that is a remold of Armada Runway. He also has the most extensive remold- his vehicle mode is now almost entirely different- with a VERY cool, "futuristic jet" look to it. I especially love the thin-windowed cockpit and "mouth" intake valve near the front. I mean, the vehicle mode just looks so awesome that it's easy to ignore all that undercarriage robot mode junk (not to mention it does a slightly better job of covering it up). However, the flip side to this is that in robot mode, the cockpit jutting out from his butt is even larger and more distracting than before. Still, it's a small price to pay for such an awesome vehicle mode. As for the color scheme, again, I have the same comments here as I had with Scattor.

Energon Saber
Energon Saber
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Transparent yellow, light brownish gray, dark flat navy blue, and some gunmetal, silver, and black
Individual Rating: 3.8

    The Energon Saber certainly looks more solid and less fragmented than its predecessors, but it still barely resembles a sword. The colors and detailing are great, though, and I'd definitely prefer to put this puppy in a Transformers' hand over either of the previous Minicon Sabers. I especially like how Scattor's front wings semi-lock into place in between Skyboom's front shuttle halves. It makes the saber less likely to fall apart.

    The Energon Saber Team is certainly an improvement over its predecessors, with improved sculpting on all and improved colors on most. Highly recommended if you don't have either of the previous versions of this Minicon Team; otherwise, only recommended after you get the Terrorcons and Omnicons.

Energon Saber Team Bio:
MOTTO: "Our individual powers are impressive. Our combined power is legendary."
The Energon saber is considered one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. This legendary sword is the combined form of the Mini-Cons Wreckage, Scattor, and Skyboom, three individuals who understand the importance of teamwork. Allied with the heroic Autobots, they are an important element in the ongoing struggle against the evil Decepticons. More importantly, they may be the ultimate key that can save the cosmos from the threat of Megatron and the mighty Unicron.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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