Jetfire (Energon)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Difficulty of Powerlinx Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Rusty dark red, gray, white, and some orange, transparent orange, black, dull gold, silver, and metallic aquamarine
Powerlinx ports: 2
Rating: 6.9

    Jetfire's vehicle mode is a futuristic space shuttle, and I have to say, I don't have many positive things to say about this mode. The color scheme goes pretty well together (although in some areas gets a little dull), and the orange and aquamarine highlights I especially like. I'm also rather fond of the look of the shuttle nosecone and the missile launcher under it which you can fire by pressing the small button on top of the cockpit. (Although it does fire a little easier than I'd like.) In addition, there are small holes under each of his side wings that can hold more Autobot Energon weapons. That's really all the positive things I have to say about this mode, though. The vehicle mode itself looks pretty crummy- it doesn't really have the same sleekness as a space shuttle no matter which angle you look at it- and the entire bottom half of this mode is essentially one big extra. There's little wings (which are TOO little, proportionally) hanging off the sides, to be sure, but it does a very bad job of covering up that these are Jetfire's robot legs. The rocket boosters on the backside are also much smaller than you'd think would be on a vehicle capable of achieving space flight. (I miss Armada Jetfire's big boosters....) It just doesn't look like it has a snowball's chance in hell of flying. If you don't have the gun attached to the front of the vehicle mode, there's also a very big hole in between the two sides of the vehicle, which detracts even more from the look. Jetfire's two Powerlinx ports are on the sides of the shuttle, but they're in a bad place- they're planted at a slant to the rest of the plastic, which means that you won't be able to stick most Minicons on them all the way because their rear ends will bump into Jetfire's sides too early. Also, Jetfire is supposed to have a "capture claw" gimmick on the bottom of his vehicle mode- open the two claws up, then press the button in between them to have them snap shut. Unfortunately, not only is the button in such a place where they claws will always snap shut on your fingers, but the claws CAN'T EXTEND ALL THE WAY OUT unless you unhook Jetfire's sides in this mode. Definitely very poorly planned. The mold detailing also leaves a bit to be desired on this figure, although he has a decent amount of paint apps. Jetfire's gold Powerlinx symbol is on the right side of his tail fin, and his Autobot spark crystal is on the left side of this mode, on the top middle portion.
    Jetfire's robot mode is definitely better than his vehicle mode, although it does suffer from some problems, mainly in the proportions area. His feet are way too large (although, then again, so were Armada Jetfire's), his hands are too chunky, and his main body is too wide. All in all, it gives him a rather doofy look. What's really odd about him, though, is his face- it doesn't really have any easily discernable eyes, just a transparent orange face plate and a... nose fin (or whatever that thing on his face is called). He has some indentations for a visor in this mode, but there's no paint detailing on it whatsoever, so it's hard to see. His head also hovers a little over the rest of his chest, due to his sound gimmick. (When you push down on his head, he emits a high-pitched, sped up "transforming" sound. It's entirely too sensitive, though, which is why I recommend you take the batteries out before you play with him.) His shuttle nosecone also hangs rather unceremoniously off his back, although at least it doesn't get in the way of anything. Speaking of "anything", Jetfire has some pretty good articulation- he can move at the hips at two points, at the knees at two points, at the shoulders at two points, and at the elbows, although the latter point of movement is on a pretty weak ball joint. So you can get him in a somewhat decent number of poses. What also becomes obvious in this mode is that his gun is in the shape of a satellite- I always thought that was a cool feature. One more odd thing about Jetfire in this mode, though, is that there's little wings that you're supposed to stick out of the backside of his legs in this mode that aren't usable in shuttle mode, and they tend to come off rather easily in this mode. What are they for?

Jetfire as top half (Powerlinx Jetfire)Jetfire as bottom half (Powerlinx Ironhide)
    Jetfire's Powerlinx modes also aren't anything to write home about. As the top half of a Powerlinx robot, Jetfire looks pretty crummy all around- his hands are merely carved onto the bottom of his overly large robot mode legs, and his shoulders are too square. Half of his shuttle mode also just hangs off his back. If you push down on his head in this mode, though, he emits another high-pitched "transforming" sound that is a little different from the one he emits in regular robot mode. It's still too sensitive, though.
    As the bottom half of a Powerlinx robot, Jetfire tends to be quite a bit better. Although he still has a third of a shuttle hanging off his back, his large legs are much more convincing on a larger robot, and the wide waist also works much better when Powerlinxed to another Mega as well.

    Energon Jetfire is definitely a step down from Armada Jetfire in pretty much every department. His vehicle mode is downright bad, his robot mode is only okay, and his Powerlinx modes range from so-so to terrible. I'd get pretty much all the other Energon Megas before this guy if I were you.

Jetfire Bio:
MOTTO: "Eat my vapor trail."
Jetfire is a skilled and professional Autobot soldier who has fought alongside Optimus Prime in many battles. He likes to come across as care free among his Autobot comrades but is down right serious when fighting Decepticons. He can transform into a powerful space shuttle and is able to power-linx with Ironhide. A great teacher in the ways of battle, Jetfire has vowed to shape Ironhide into a seasoned warrior like himself.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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