Megatron (Energon)
Vehicle ModeHyper ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Super
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Off-white, dark blue, transparent deep blue-green, sparkly charcoal black, sea blue, and some light blue, metallic bluish green, silver, purplish pink, deep purple, orange, black, silver-white, red-orange, clear plastic, and metallic bluish silver
Powerlinx ports: 7
Rating: 8.4

    Vehicle mode is a kind of futuristic spacecraft. This mode can't get much cooler, I'll tell you what. It's looks verry evil, and is definitely fitting for a Decepticon leader. The cockpit, especially- the windows into it, combined with the black paint apps surrounding it, almost make it look like a scowling face. The robot feet may very nice intake engines, and they even have thrusters in the back. Megatron's certainly got enough guns to go around, especially if you enable his "hyper" mode by folding the top part of his wings in to reveal even MORE guns and placing his little drone (non-transformable) Armada Megatron tank on top of him. Granted, this isn't so much a mode as it is a slightly different configuration of his weapons, but it still looks pretty cool. (Worthy of note is that his front cannons look almost identical in shape to the main cannon in G1 Galvatron's alternate mode- a nice nod, to be sure.) Megatron's paint and mold detailing are also great, with excellent jobs done in almost every area. You won't find any monotonous parts on this toy. The overall color scheme, although pretty good, doesn't seem to fit the Armada/Energon character very well, however. Granted, it is very similar to the G1 Galvatron toy's color scheme, which is a nice nod, but sometimes you need to ignore the past if you can do something better in the present. I would have preferred it it stuck with the slightly lighter colors of Armada Galvatron, or even went back to the more military deco of Armada Megatron. Energon Galvatron, the inevitable repaint of this toy that's coming down the line, will no doubt paint the toy in a color scheme that's close to the G1 show counterpart's, but that scheme, if it was done at all, should have been done on the FIRST try of this mold, not the second. It's still not that big of a problem, though. I don't know if I'd even call it a problem, just a "well, it could be BETTER" comment. The major problem I DO have with this mode, however, is that Megatron's robot head sticks out rather obviously from the bottom. It forms a rather huge, abrupt bump on the underside- so large, in fact, that it almost touches the ground even WITH the landing gear extended. And with the landing gear retracted, there's no way to keep him level. I really don't understand why they couldn't have come up with a better way of hiding the head, especially on this large of a toy. Megatron's Decepticon spark crystal, by the way, is on the side of his left cannon in this mode.
    In robot mode, Megatron is VERY reminiscent of G1 Galvatron, and this no doubt was the designer's intent. Especially when you consider that both were reformatted by their Generation's Unicron. Energon Megatron has the same head design as G1 Galvatron (although the antennae are notched a bit, as a throwback to Armada Megatron), as well as the same chest and leg designs. It all looks very nice, though, and not at all forced. In fact, the molding job done on the face is very decidedly the character of Armada/Energon Megatron- the slightly slitted eyes, the stern, no-nonsense expression on his face. He definitely looks like a Decepticon leader to me. Megatron also has pretty decent articulation- he can move at the head, the shoulders (at two points), the elbows (at two points), the hips (at two points), and the knees. His large wings on his back limit slightly his poses, though, not to mention that they are obviously just extras. Especially when you consider how large they are in comparison to the rest of his body. His tank drone can attach to his arm in this mode, and can form either a sword or a gun, depending on which way you turn it. The drone is the electronic component of Megatron, and when you plug in the sword piece (stored in the nosecone) into the back of it, it makes a "powering up" sound. Also, when you fire the missile on the front, it makes a machine gun-like firing sound (although it is a bit overly long). The tank drone, however, is really oversized when you consider it being a handheld weapon. It will pretty much collide with some part of Megatron's structure no matter what, and it gets pretty annoying, especially since it interferes with his articulation. His shoulder cannons make pretty good guns on their own, though.
    Megatron would have been a top-notch toy if he was smaller. As a Super, he just seems big for the sake of being big. He's too simplistic for this large of a toy, and his transformation is TOO easy. This also shows from his downsizing to an Ultra-class toy for the Japanese version of him. (And he still didn't lose anything!) In fact, if you lose the tank drone, you could probably even make him a DELUXE without taking away anything else. He also suffers from some problems with his drone tank, and a few extras in either mode. But he's still a pretty fun and cool-looking toy. However, if you only want to get one version of this toy, I'd hold off until Energon Galvatron hits stores, as the color scheme will probably be better on him.

Megatron Bio:
MOTTO: "Join me and I will send you to battle. Defy me, and I will send you to Oblivion."
Megatron has been reborn. Totally reformatted by Unicron, he now possesses an intense arsenal of weapons that will make him an unstoppable force during the battle for Energon. In robot mode, Megatron fights his enemies with a remote triple-change tank module. In Gunship mode, he can use his hyper-power wings and rotating cannons to rain terror from above. Megatron's look has changed, but his goal of universal conquest remains the same. Beware, Megatron is back!
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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