Mirage (Energon)
Vehicle ModeHyper ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Yellow-orange, light blue, black, dark flat blue, purple, brownish light gray, and some metallic bronze, metallic teal, yellow, metallic purple, and slightly greenish clear plastic
Powerlinx ports: 2
Rating: 9.5

    Vehicle mode is a... boat with wings. Someone told me a while back that this is actually based off a real-world vehicle- a WWII prototype that never made into final production. I don't know if this is true, though. Regardless, it looks pretty cool. The mold and paint detailing is GREAT, and the color scheme is awesome. Many people think that the colors clash, but I couldn't disagree more. Everything goes together wonderfully to create a very "evil boat" appearance. Of course, the jagged mini-wings on the sides of the boat certainly help this appearance a lot. The proportions are also excellent- couldn't be better. The boat shell halves do have a bit of a problem staying together, though, so many times you'll have a noticeable crack down the front of Mirage's boat mode. It's not too bad, but it's worth noting. The rear of the boat also has a few robot extras that are only partially hidden. For example, the bottom of the robot legs hang out below the boat shell halves, although I suppose this is because the wheels are on the bottom of the legs and they need to touch the ground. The robot upper arms are also somewhat obvious on the upper part of the boat mode, although the fists are hidden in them at least, and the Powerlinx ports on top at least give these parts some function in this mode. Again, they're not too bad, but noticeable.
    Like all of the Decepticons' Hyper Modes, Mirage's is just a variation of another mode. Basically, you just fold down part of his rear section to form larger wings, and this also makes his rear missile launchers more obvious. You also press on a lever located in the middle of the boat, which lets to missile launchers near the front spring up, accompanied by a "hydraulic pistons moving" noise. The switch can get a bit touchy, but it's not too bad. Mirage is certainly packing firepower in his hyper mode, what with four fireable missile launchers.
    If Mirage's vehicle mode leaves you speechless, Mirage's robot mode will make you hyperventilate. It's THAT cool- easily one of the coolest 'bot modes of all Transformer time. The overall look mixes just the right amount of evil with just the right amount of firepower and just the right amount of sleekness. It all comes together to form a very cool-looking package. His color scheme and detailing are still just as nice as it was in his vehicle mode. Mirage's proportions couldn't be better, and his boat extras actually complement this mode rather than detract from it. The wing-missile launchers on the back of his upper arms look great, and you can swing his spring-loaded missile launchers from his vehicle hyper mode up over his shoulders if you so desire. Many seem to be bothered a bit by his long boat halves flowing off his back, but I'm not. I actually think they look like some kind of medieval skirt, and they actually give him added stability. Plus, the best part is, if they bug you that much, you can just slide the pieces off the clear plastic parts attaching them to Mirage's main body and cast the boat halves aside. It's as simple as that. Mirage's head sculpt is especially cool. The black, purple, and bronze go wonderfully together, and his overall sculpt makes him look like some kind of evil pilot, what with the mouth mask and everything. The purple "V" on his forehead also adds even more evilness to the mix. Mirage's articulation is also nothing short of amazing. He can move at the head, the shoulders (at two points), the elbows (at three points), the ankles, the knees, the hips (at two points), and he has side-to-side leg articulation at a point in between the hips and the knees. Plus, Mirage is, I think, the first Transformer EVER to have "bend-over-sideways" articulation at the waist. So if you ever wanted a Transformer that can do aerobics, well, now you have one! However, the articulation prospect does bring me to the only major problem that I have with Mirage- the side-to-side articulation point in between his hips and knees is only held on by a peg, and it comes loose FAR too easily, especially when you throw Mirage's tight ratcheting joints into the mix. Granted, you can pop them back into place very easily, but it's still annoying, and it happens far too often. Mirage's Decepticon spark crystal is smack dab in the middle of his chest.
    Mirage is an incredible Transformer in both modes, possessing a great color scheme, a solid vehicle mode, an robot mode with wonderful proportions and unparalleled articulation for a toy of its size, and a great color scheme and detailing. His annoying popping knee joint and a few visible extras in vehicle mode are the only things keeping this Transformer from being flawless. Highly recommended.

Mirage Bio:
MOTTO: "I am your funeral at sea."
Mirage is one of Megatron's greatest warriors. This vain Decepticon boasts an arsenal as impressive as Tidal Wave. His incredible speed and strength have earned him a high-ranking position in Megatron's army. In vehicle mode, Mirage is a high-speed gunboat and an unbreakable force during sea battle. He is an artistic fighter who takes great pleasure in his skill at sending Autobot enemies to the bottom of the ocean. Beware, this evil Decepticon has proven time and again that he is as much a threat on land as he is in the water and has made an artform out of destruction.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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