Starscream (Energon)
Vehicle ModeRobot ModeHyper Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Transparent dark pine green, dark gray, dark metallic red, pale sky blue, dark periwinkle, and some silver, dull gold, black, and neon green
Powerlinx ports: 2
Rating: 9.0

    Vehicle mode is a jet. From a top view at least, this mode is very nice. The proportions are great (except for the oversized Energon weapons under each wing, but I assume that it's that way for safety purposes), and Starscream has much more realistic of an alt mode than his Armada version did. There's even a seat inside his see-through cockpit- a completely unnecessary detail, but very appreciated nonetheless. His mold detailing is also excellent, and his paint detailing is above-average too. Starscream also has some great battle damage detailing on him, ranging from just subtly crooked lines to a large neon green "energy" patch on his left wing. It definitely makes him different from "just another Decepticon jet", if nothing else. Starscream also has miniature fold-out landing gear. His large Energon gun mounted under his left wing looks pretty nice in this mode, but his Energon sword under the other looks kinda odd coming out from under the wing of a plane, as it has no obvious long-range capability. The thing that really bugs me about this mode, though, is that Starscream has quite a bit of undercarriage "junk". It's a problem with quite a few jet Transformers, to be sure, but that doesn't make it look any better. The designers tried to make it less obvious by attaching small wings to the back end of this undercarriage, but it's still so obviously just Starscream's folded-up robot legs they might as well not have tried at all. Especially when you consider how much lower the extra wings are from the main jet body- it just doesn't look right.
    Starscream's robot mode is just awesomely awesomely awesome. It's almost perfect- my only complaint at ALL is that his elbow joints are made in such a way where it makes his arms look a little on the puny side. Other than that, he's great. For starters, his proportions are, again, perfect, and the only plane extras- his various wings and the cockpit on his chest- only accentuate this mode rather than detract from it. Like in his vehicle mode, his color scheme works great together, with just the right blends of darks and ghastly blue to make him look all the more like an "Energon ghost" (which is what he's supposed to be in the cartoon). Although they're not as widespread as they were in his vehicle mode, his "battle damage" still carries over into this mode some- the biggest example being that is right shoulder is transparent green and covered with neon green damage detailing, whereas his left shoulder is solid light blue and is not. The designs of his shoulders and face are also heavily reminiscent of Starscream from the War Within comic book miniseries, which I think is a nice but subtle fan nod. He has transparent green light piping used for his robot eyes, adding to his "ghostly" persona. In addition, his articulation is top-notch; he has all the points of articulation you could reasonably ask for on a deluxe-sized toy with the sole exception of waist movement. His Energon weapon (I thought only Omnicons and Terrorcons were supposed to have Energon weapons? Ah, well.) is a HUGE, very cool-looking sword, and make Starscream look like he could really kick some skidplate.  This is only made all the more obvious when you transform him into his "hyper mode", in which the wings on his back turn around to become missile launchers. Starscream ain't taking no prisoners this time.... Starscream's Decepticon spark crystal is on his chest in this mode. His two Powerlinx ports are on the forward-facing sides of his wings in robot mode, and his Energon weapon also has two Minicon ports if you so desire to attach it to a larger Transformer in that way.
    Starscream's robot mode is one of the best Transformer robot modes I've ever seen, but the fact that he has so much undercarriage in vehicle mode rather hurts him, I think. Still, with so awesome of a robot mode, I couldn't bare to knock him below the "must-buy" rating of 9.0+. This guy's defintiely worth purchasing.

Starscream Bio:
MOTTO: "It is my destiny to lead."
Starscream has been reborn and is still caught in his own personal battle of choosing the side of good or evil. The high dose of Energon, which brought him back to life, has also given him incredible powers that he is learning to control. Starscream's new hyper power turns him into pure energy, allowing him to ghost from one location to the next. This phantom ability, combined with Starscream's new power sword, makes him a dangerous adversary to all that oppose him, including Megatron.
Strength: ?
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: ?
Courage: ?
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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