Windrazor (Energon; Superion Maximus component)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot (Aerialbot)
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Light gray, light pinkish red, and some transparent watery blue, white, dull metallic bronze, and glossy black
Rating: 8.5

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Energon Treadshot. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Energon Treadshot here.)

    Windrazor's color scheme really bugs me, probably even moreso than if it were, say, fluorescent green and yellow or some such blargtastic combination like that. Why? Because it's ALMOST good. Most of the colors on Windrazor look just fine-- the light gray, black, and white go together very well, and are great colors for an Autobot flyer. He also has a pretty good number of paint apps, and even though he's a repaint of Treadshot, most of his paint apps are in different places than his fellow Aerialbot. (Though personally, on the places where the black is applied, sometimes it's not applied overall every single part of the piece of plastic, leaving some places their usual gray. It doesn't look bad, but instead of covering up gray plastic with black in all but a few places, why not just make the PLASTIC black?) No, what really bugs me is that ridiculous bright pinkish red used for most of his main body. I mean.... it's practically PINK. As a main color. It certainly doesn't make Windrazor look like he should as a giant mechanical war machine, that's for sure. And it the pinkish red was just a slightly different shade-- like, say, the red on Energon Storm Jet-- all of the colors on Windrazor would have come together perfectly. But because of that relatively small shade difference, it throws off the whole toy. I mean... what were these people THINKING?
    No mold changes have been made to Windrazor. Though he does have a new nifty blue Powerlinx symbol on the right side of his chest in robot mode now, whereas Treadshot didn't have that...
    Windrazor's color scheme is good-- except for that ridiculous pinkish red. It ruins the whole scheme. So out of the two versions of this mold, I'd easily recommend Treadshot over this guy-- though, of course, it you want to form Superion Maximus, you need to buy them both.

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Review by Beastbot

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