Hoist (G1 Reissue, Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Price: $30 (U.S.)
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Difficulty of Sticker Applications: Hard
Color Scheme: Green, orange, chrome silver, and some transparent blue plastic, black, sky blue, silver, white, and yellow
Rating: 5.3

    Vehicle mode is a tow truck. This vehicle mode is very nice for the most part, as you'd expect from an early Generation One toy. Chrome silver, rubber wheels, transparent windows with no robot extras visible on the inside, etc. However, one thing I find rather odd is that the side windows are painted on the front half, but transparent on the back half- what the...? Not only does it look bad, but I can't find any real reason for them to do it... Also, the two orange parts on the back that are used to "tow" other cars fall apart way way WAY too easily. And if you take them off, then you're stuck with a robot head sticking out of the bed of the truck. Yick. As for the color scheme, it's not extraordinary or anything, but it's servicable- the green and orange (with a very slight yellowish tint) go alright together, and the stripes on the side of the vehicle mode are nice accents.
    As for the robot mode... well, let's just say that there's been lots and lots of better robot modes in Generation One. He's short, chunky, and just plain goofy-looking with his stubby, kneeless legs. I just don't like his design aesthetic in this mode at ALL. His chest is huge, and since it sticks out more on the bottom half than on the top, it makes him look like he's fat. And the problem with the towing parts in Hoist's vehicle mode is magnified in robot mode- since they're only connected to him by shallow little pegs, they fall off even easier, and the top half almost always flops down to his feet (as in the picture above). Hoist also has a lot of extra parts used in this mode that aren't storable in his vehicle mode, and you know how I despise that. Especially so when some of the parts- such as the little "wings" sticking out of the top of his back- are merely for aesthetic purposes and don't really serve any function. He also has a removable head-mounted blaster in this mode (which is actually kinda cool), and his hands can be replaced with either a welding nozzel or a two-barreled... gun thing. Er, yeah.
    Hoist is a pretty lackluster transformer, even for an early Generation One toy. His vehicle mode is pretty nice, but his robot mode is absolutely atrocious, he has a ton of extra little nonstorable parts, and his towing parts flop all over the place. Add that to his already steep $30 price, and I can't recommend him to anybody except a completist.

Hoist Bio:
FUNCTION: Maintenance
MOTTO: "You have to be rolling before you can be fighting."
Jovial, exacting, and able to fix just about anything, Hoist is first on the scene when any Autobot is injured in battle. In tow truck mode, he easily hauls up to 40,000 lbs. His primary function is maintenance and repair, but he swiftly converts to robot mode to take on Decepticons with heat-seeking missiles from his wrist launchers. A full spectrum multi-sensor located behind his head accurately determines the composition, density, tensile strength, and energy properties of any object.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 3.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 8.0
Firepower: 6.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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