Side Swipe (G1 Reissue; Toys "R" Us and KB Toys Exclusive)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Price: $15 U.S. (KB Toys), $30 U.S. (Toys "R" Us)
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Difficulty of Sticker Applications: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Red, black, white, chrome silver, and some silver and clear plastic
Rating: 7.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to G1 Red Alert. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of G1 Red Alert here.)

    A bit of an explanation needs to be given for Side Swipe's odd distribution before I delve right into the toy review. Side Swipe, a Toys "R" Us exclusive first released in mid-2004, was somewhat common in such countries as New Zealand and Australia, and showed up now and then in Canada as well. Thing is... he never showed up in the U.S. Anywhere. After months went by with no sightings, Transfans pretty much gave up hope of finding him... until tons of the things suddenly started appearing at clearance prices in Fall 2005-- over a YEAR later-- at KB Toys. Go figure. Guess TRU, after looking at the lackluster reissue sales, sold some of its reissue overstock to KB Toys even when said reissue never made it to the shelves in the first place!

    Anyways, G1 Side Swipe is a decent repaint of the G1 Red Alert mold, though the color scheme of black, white, and red isn't particularly inventive by today's standards. I kinda wish his colors in car mode were a bit more varied, but this was a general problem with nearly all G1 toys, so I can't fault Side Swipe in particular. Red Alert's police siren has been removed, but otherwise Side Swipe has no mold changes when compared to his reissue predecessor. The chrome silver on the tires, the arms, and the feet looks nice, as always, and the rubber tires add some nice realism. Overall, though, no really much to say about this toy that hasn't already been said in Red Alert's review-- it's one of the better G1 molds, but lackluster by today's standards.
    G1 Side Swipe is probably a decent buy if you're into nostalgia purchases, as he's only half the price of G1 Red Alert at KB Toys, but just like most other G1 toys, he is pretty much a brick with a rather unoriginal, albeit not bad, color scheme.

Side Swipe Bio:
MOTTO: "I don't break the rules, I bend them-- a lot."
Side Swipe is nearly the equal if his twin brother Sunstreaker, in the combat arts, but less coldblooded. Relishes a fight to the finish with his opponent. Uses underhanded tactics when absolutely necessary. Arms act as powerful piledrivers. Flies up to 2 minutes with rocket backpack. Fires flares visible for up to 18 miles. Rash actions often lead to injuries to himself. Takes them all in stride.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 10.0
Firepower: 3.0
Skill: 6.0

Review by Beastbot

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