Autobot Tracks (G1 Reissue, Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
Vehicle ModeFlight ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Price: $30 (U.S.)
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Difficulty of Sticker Applications: Medium
Color Scheme: Dark blue, white, black, and some chrome silver, unpainted diecast metal, red, and clear plastic
Rating: 6.9

    Vehicle mode is a sportscar. I have no complaints whatsoever about this mode- it's nice all around. A sleek, realistic-looking mode, with rubber tires, chrome bits, see-through windows with no robot parts visible inside them; the works. Normally I'd think that there should have been a bit more variety on the car then "just blue", but the large flame-deco sticker on the front breaks up the only really large spot of it, so it's all good.
    Tracks also has a sort of sub-flight mode- attach rocket packs to the rear of the vehicle and flip out wings from his underside, and BAM! Flight mode. It's actually pretty cool-looking for a third mode, and is pretty passable- although I would have made the wings a little larger.
    Tracks' robot mode is pretty decent for a G1 fig. His arms are a bit puny, though, and he is a bit stiff-looking-- but I suppose that's from his lack of real articulation. (He can only move at the shoulders at two points and the elbows- pretty standard for an early G1 figure, actually.) The wings and tires on his shoulders and the big missile launchers on his back look hecka cool, though. Face looks nice (albeit not show-accurate- there's not a mouth, just a faceplate), although it would have looked better without the back of the car right above it.
    Tracks is actually pretty decent for a Generation 1 figure-- normally I'd recommend him, but that steep price is a bit of a deterant. Even then, I'd still recommend him to fans of G1 toys or completists- despite his lack of articulation, I still find myself playing with him more than I do with most of the other G1 toys.

Autobot Tracks Bio:
MOTTO: "Looking good is what life is all about."
If his buddies complain that he’s a little too impressed with his own good looks, Autobot Tracks just chalks it up to jealousy. They may be right. Fast, sleek, and a little reckless, he prefers his sportscar vehicle mode to robot mode, and can hit speeds up to 280 mph without breaking a sweat. Equipment includes heat-seeking long-range incendiary missiles and blinding black beam gun. All that prevents him from becoming a truly great Autobot warrior in his vanity, which tends to distract him from the struggle to defeat Decepticon forces once and for all.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 6.0
Firepower: 8.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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