Warpath (G1 Reissue; Wal-Mart Exclusive)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark dull red, light milky gray, and some black
Rating: 3.5

    Warpath's alternate mode is an amphibious assault tank. Proportionally, everything's pretty spot-on to its real world counterpart, and there's no robot extras in this mode at all-- both always nice positives. The mold detailing is pretty good for a G1 Minibot, with some paneling, armor, and vent detailing along much of the top, and fairly well-detailed treads on the sides. (The treads don't roll; there's two small black wheels on the very bottom of the toy that allow it to roll along.) The color breakup for Warpath is pretty basic; there's a dark, dull red color used on the turret and most of the top of the body, while a light milky gray is used for the treads and part of the back portion of the body. The light milky gray is unfortunately of that very bland shade, though the dark dull red is a decent shade, methinks. The colors contrast off each other well enough, but it's pretty basic. Unfortunately the stickers don't really help in this mode, as there's only one; the rub allegiance symbol, right front-and-center. No other paint or stickers are used in this mode. The turret can rotate 360 degrees, though, which is nice for a toy of this small size.
    Warpath's transformation is simple, as you'd expect from a Minibot. Just flip the turret portion up and then rotate the whole back section forward to become the arms and body. They slide the turret back a bit and pop open the back end to become the robot head, and you're done. The end result is pretty weird-looking. The feet are the entire front two-thirds of the tank mode, and are thus absolutely LUDICROUSLY huge (though hey, at least he's stable). There isn't even an attempt to make them separate feet; you just have the thin upper legs and knees kinda sinking into the alt mode, there. The tank turret makes for a decent chest, but either the turret should have slid further back or the face further forward-- the head's waaaay back there. The headsculpt itself is rather basic; it's on the underside of the porthole, so that forms the basic shape of the rather flat head, with a round forehead with a small strip on the top, two black-painted eyes, and a large faceplate with vents in it. The arms look okay in and of themselves-- there's visible molded fists in the front, and the treads form suitable backs to the shoulders of the red arms-- but they're positioned too low on the toy. Only when they're pointed straight down do they seem to be relatively flush with the turret-body; otherwise, they're rotating from around the upper stomach, and just look very very weird. Beyond the black eyes, there's nothing new color-wise in this mode, and the breakup's the same as well. There's only one sticker revealed as well; a small sticker with some basic geometric details on the lower stomach. For articulation in this mode, the arms can move back-and-forth at the weird elbow-shoulders where they connect the body. (Technically you can have the head look around if you want to rotate the turret, but this looks extremely odd.)
    G1 Warpath has a great tank mode for the size, but oof. That robot mode just has all the worst qualities of G1 toys; extremely odd proportions, a head waaay back, oddly-articulated shoulders, basically no effort put into the feet, and it's very stiff and awkward-looking. Recommended only if you're a huge G1 reissue or Warpath fan; otherwise this an easy skip in favor of one of his more updated, modern toys.

Warpath Bio:
MOTTO: "A good shot is worth more than a good intention."
Thinks he's more impressive than his comrades do... likes to show off his sharpshooting. Boisterous, loud-mouthed... raucous sense of humor makes him welcome company. Vain-- upset by even the smallest scratch to his blaster barrel. Can go 30 mph over roughest terrain, hit a hex-nut 1.5 miles away. Shoots explosives, thermal, cryogenic, acid, sonic shells. Great strength but helpless if upended.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 2.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 9.0
Firepower: 7.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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