
Real Name: Remy LeBeau

Mutant Power: Ability to turn the potential energy of objects he touches into kinetic energy, making them flare up and explode after a short amount of time

Voice Actor: Alessandro Juliani (who also did the voice of Nightscream in Beast Machines)

First Appearance: "Day of Reckoning, Part 1"

Back Story: Gambit was adopted by Jean-Luc, a member of an organization called the Thieves' Guild, at an early age. Thus, throughout his time growing up, Gambit was constantly involved in thieving and warring with their rival family/organization, the Rippers, in order to survive. He eventually grew tired of Jean Luc's constant pattern of just using him for his powers, though, and joined Magneto's team sometime in the second season. With Magneto supposedly dead in the fourth season Gambit went off on his own. He's seen in the X-Men group shot at the end of the "Ascension" 2-parter, though. It's unsure as to whether he's actually joined the X-Men now, or whether he was just "there" for the picture for no apparent reason.

Personality: Gambit's a cool, calm individual, with a style all his own. He does what is needed to get the job done, and is rarely confused or exasperated. Although technically a "bad guy", Gambit's a real courteous guy when he's not on the battle field- at least when it comes to females, that is. He hates the Brotherhood members, and he thinks they're totally incompetent (which is not entirely untrue). He's also quite smug, as he well should be- out of the three of Magneto's "new Day of Reckoning recruits"- Colossus, Pyro, and himself- he's the most skilled at what he does. Oh, yeah, and he's also Cajun, and throws in some French phrases in his speech now and then. He and Rogue also seem to be growing attracted to each other, but this hasn't gone on into a relationship or anything.

Final Reflections: I think Evo Gambit got a lot of undeserved flack. Okay, so maybe his voice actor didn't sound Cajun enough, but really, that's the only problem I have with him. He just wasn't the same character as the "classic" Gambit, and I don't think many fans every really got over that. Personally, though, I liked it, since you could actually UNDERSTAND him when he talked. Feh. He was a bad guy, and enjoyed being one. And I think it took a lot of guts for the writers to break away from established continuity like that. I wasn't too crazy about his relationship with Rogue near the end, though, as they seemed too different for each other- it just seemed to be a rather needless nod to the old fans, since I really couldn't see it working with their Evo personalities.

(NOTE: When Gambit was first introduced-- in the "Day of Reckoning" 2-parter-- he had a slight error in the way he was drawn- his eyes were "normal" instread of black-with-red-pupils, as seen above. After the 2-parter, however, the error was corrected.)

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