Red Alert (Generations)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: White, glittery milky gray, red, and some black, silver, dark metallic red, transparnet cherry red, dull metallic orange, and tinted clear plastic
Rating: 9.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Universe 2.0 Sunstreaker. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Universe 2.0 Sunstreaker here.)

    Just like his G1 self, this version of Red Alert is a repaint (and slight remold) of Sideswipe. The color scheme is kept very much in line with his G1 toy, with the typical emergency colors of red and white forming the bulk of his coloration, particularly in vehicle mode. The amount of gray has been increased and there's less black overall, but it's still pretty darned easily recognizable as G1 Red Alert. (The gray is a bit of a darker shade than is used normally on Transformers nowadays, so although it's still hardly my favorite color, I don't mind it here.) The color scheme may not be the most original, but it definitely works very well given the whole "Fire Rescue... sportscar" alt mode Red Alert's had going on, and it definitely doesn't clash. I do wish that maybe a couple minor extra bits of color-- perhaps a bit of blue?-- had been added just to give Red Alert a little extra oomph, but that's a minor complaint at best. He still has the nice "FIRE RESCUE" deco bits added on his doors and front hood in vehicle mode-- which really help to individualize the character and set the mold apart well-- and they're a bit more stylized than the more straightforward lettering found on the G1 toy. I like the new lettering (and badge on the hood)-- it definitely looks a bit modern. His license plate reads "05 ALERT", a nod to his G1 toy's Japanese number and name.
    Red Alert has Sideswipe's head mold, and in addition to that change, he has a new added angled light bar in vehicle mode, to keep the whole "emergency" thing going. Although the light bar LOOKS cool and is a nice shade of transparent cherry red, it takes up some of the tabs that are usually used in robot mode to store the mold's missile pod-launcher piece on the upper back-- this, Red Alert really doesn't have any solid place to place that accessory in robot mode, unfortunately.
    Generations Red Alert is a very nice update to the G1 character, and on a very nice mold to boot. The stylized lettering helps to modernize the vehicle mode a bit, and though his color scheme is straightforward, it's still pretty good. That said, I rate him slightly below Universe 2.0 Sideswipe because of the fact that his light bar gets in the way of where his missile pod accessory is supposed to go.

Red Alert Bio:
As security director for the Autobots, Red Alert tries to keep his eye on everyone and everything. All the time. He installs hidden cameras and security sensors everywhere, and keeps detailed records of the known movements of enemies and allies alike. Nothing escapes his attention, and--to him--everything is significant. His paranoia keeps him constantly on edge, but it's paid off more than once by stopping Decepticon plots before they did any damage.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 5.0
Fireblast: 5.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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