Megatron (Cybertronian) [Generations]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Glittery black, light chalky gray, moderately dark glossy red, and some transparent light purple, silver, chalky gray, and pale light purple
Rating: 7.3

    Megatron's Cybertronian form is a tank... thing. More of an effort is given here to make this tank mode look more like a genuine futuristic vehicle as opposed to some of the worst "robot in a yoga position" alt modes, but it still doesn't feel fully "complete" as a vehicle. The center top of this mode is mostly hollow and just the back of parts of the robot mode, only hidden from being quite so blatant because of Megatron's cannon that's fitted in the center of this mode. His gun certainly makes for a great tank barrel, however, and is of course, oversized, as you'd expect from Megatron. It's simply stuck on the top, however, so it can't rotate or face any direction but forward, as you'd expect tank turrets to be able to do. Thankfully, the sides of this mode are a bit more solid-looking, with the various robot parts blending in rather nicely together, giving him a look that's oddly angled in some parts-- such as the huge spikes on the back end-- but smooth in other parts, like the sides. There's also a nice "claw" bit on the front, which makes it look like anything he can't blast he'll crush in front of him. The tank treads, however, are pitifully small to the point of being laughable, and you can clearly see the halves of Megatron's robot hands in the tread pieces. You can fold them underneath the vehicle quite easily for a "hover mode" like in the War for Cybertron video game, which looks a little better, though it is admittedly odd to have a tank-- even a futuristic tank-- without some kind of treads. His rear end is also pretty much non-existant, being just his legs folded at his spiky knees. As far as the color scheme, it's classic Megatron-- some light gray and black make up the main colors, with some nice red to give the color scheme a bit more punch and make it less monochromatic. There's a bit of purple added in on this version of Megatron, which makes for a great detailing color. In addition to the transparent purple on the missile and part of the pieces that become the upper legs, there's also some bits of light purple paint on the missile trigger-- and what's particularly cool is that there's some that can be seen "inside" the cannon barrel when the missile is plugged into the launcher, but it "disappears" when you fire said missile. That said, however, I'm really not fond of the shade of light gray used here-- it's really chalky and flat, not at all metallic-looking like I'd prefer plastic on most Transformers to be. It could stand to be just a shade or two darker, as well.
    Megatron's transformation to robot mode is pretty straightforward, but it's amazing how great his robot mode looks-- you can barely even tell he's a Transformer at all, given how he has practically no "vehicle bits" visible in this mode! (Pretty much the only one is the asymmetrical claw-thing on the top of his left shoulder, but it still fits in reasonably well with the rest of the arm and helps with his asymmetrical look.) His proportions are FANTASTIC here, with a nice, beefy silouhette as befits the leader of the Decepticons. He's also got great details, like the paint and transparent detailing on his chestplate, the Decepticon symbol etched quite well into his back amidst a bunch of other cool "tubes" and futuristic, angled detailing along his entire form. His head sculpt is very crisp and he has a nice, stern look to his visage. I also quite like how his tank treads fold together to become his arms-- nice use of "vehicle parts" there, even if said parts were undersized. His cannon fits fairly securely on his right arm, so no problems there, though with the added weight it can make the elbow swivel on that arm move a bit too easily. His overall articulation is fantastic, too-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), hips (at two points), knees (at two points), and ankles (at two points). So pretty much anything except the wrist and the waist is covered, here-- plus he's got large feet, which makes him pretty stable.
    Cybertronian Megatron has an incredibly well-proportioned, articulated, and imposing robot mode, but a bit of a cobbled-together vehicle mode (though it's not the worst robot mode I've ever seen-- there are at least PARTS of him that meld in well with the general form of a tank). Overall, though, he's a decent action figure, but not a decent TRANSFORMER, if you know what I mean. In addition, if you do get one version of this mold, I'd recommend the one that comes in the "Rage Over Cybertron" 3-pack, as that has a far superior color scheme to this version.

Megatron (Cybertronian) Bio:
Megatron rebuilds himself continuously. When the war first began on Cybertron, he constantly applied new modifications to catch the Autobots unaware and under prepared. His spies are always on the lookout for new tech that will optimize his body into the perfect war machine. He is the bleeding edge of technology on Cybertron, and his enemies will pay the price for not keeping up.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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