Iguanus (Transmetal 2)
Iguanus Transmetal 2's Beast ModeIguanus Transmetal 2's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dark blue, blue, orange, chrome silver, and some red-orange, green, black, and silver
Rating: 9.5

    Beast mode is a Transmetal 2 iguana. This mode is very nice, with no extras whatsoever. Like all Transmetal 2s, this Transformer has an asymmetrical look to him. One of the weirdest things is that one of his beast mode eyes is normal, and the other eye is robotic and more than twice as large! Although his robot mode chest can be easily seen through his neck-fins, this doesn't matter too much. One of the nice things about this mode is that when his missle in his mouth fires, his neck-fins spring up at the same time, which is a nice effect. Although Hasbro put in a new type of launcher in this toy that makes the missle shoot farther than most of the other Beast Wars missle launchers, it is a LOT harder to lock the missle back in place inside his mouth- you really have to push.
    Robot mode is very nice as well, with few extras. Although this toy looks a bit small for a deluxe in robot mode, he really isn't, he just is almost as wide from front to back as he is side to side, and this makes him look smaller. The detailing on this toy is superb, with wires and scales all over the place. His spark orb is inside a panel of the left side of his chest; it's very easy to locate. There are three factors in this mode that make Iguanus looks more like a pirate transformer than anything else: 1. There is a sort of eye patch nailed to his face over one of his eyes. 2. His tail is connected to his head, and gives the appearance of his having long "hair" pulled back in a ponytail. 3. His neck-fins become a sort of ragged "skirt" in this mode, much like medieval warriors, samurai, and pirates used to wear. The only complaint I have about this mode is that his missle is supposed to become a "sword", but the missle doesn't look anything like a sword- it's much too rounded. They should have made the missle a little bit more pointy when they thought this Transformer up.
    A very nicely done Transmetal 2. Highly recommended.

Iguanus Transmetal 2 Bio:
FUNCTION: Demolitions & Artillery Expert
MOTTO: "The shortest path between two Maximal points is a heat-seeking missile."
Iguanus is a master of combat calculations. Armed with long-range tactical missiles capable of carrying a wide variety of warheads, his firepower rating is among the highest of the Predacons. Able to accurately calculate target position from incredible distances, he obliterates enemies from thousands of kilometers with cutthroat precision. Special titanium armor plating withstands even the most severe blasts.
Strength: 5.6
Intelligence: 8.1
Speed: 3.5
Endurance: 6.5
Rank: 4.5
Courage: 7.2
Firepower: 8.3
Skill: 7.3

Review by Beastbot

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