Jango Fett
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Light grayish blue, dark smoky gray, sea blue, and some metallic purplish gray, black, clear plastic, dull rusty brownish orange, moderately dark gray, dark muddy brown, light milky gray, silver, dark sea blue, and light yellow
Rating: 7.0

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to SWTF Boba Fett. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of SWTF Boba Fett here.)

    Like most Star Wars Transformers, Jango Fett's major color is gray, so in that sense the main color is unchanged from Boba Fett. The actual shade of gray is a much more attractive light bluish shade of gray this time, however, compared with the dull dirty gray of Boba Fett. Staying true to the character, Jango Fett's entire color scheme is based on the colors blue and black, with a few paint apps of differing colors put in here and there to break it up some, of course. The sea blue and dark sea blue paint apps used on the rear part of the vehicle mode and several parts of the Mech mode are of an especially attractive shade, and go very well with the rest of the colors. There's also a decent amount of black to break up all the lighter colors, but not too much to take away from the general blue-ness of Jango's colors. The bits of yellow and brown, most visible in the vehicle and Mech modes, respectively, also accent the colors very well, and fit Jango Fett's character.
    No mold changes have been made to Jango Fett.
    Jango Fett has an awesome color scheme that fits together very well and is hardly par-for-the-course for the Star Wars Transformers, of which attractive colors are hardly a defining feature of the line. As such, he's definitely better than the duller, muddier Boba Fett toy, but the mold itself still looks pretty ugly in Mech mode.

Jango Fett Bio:
A man of great skill and greater secrecy, Jango Fett is the fastest, smartest and most dangerous bounty hunter known. Using modified armor and new shape-shifting technology, Fett morphs into Slave I mode and flies off to attend a secret meeting with Lord Tyranus on Kamino. After making a shady yet lucrative deal to use his body as a template for a clone army, Fett decides to stay on Kamino and dedicate his time to training his newly cloned son, Boba.

Review by Beastbot

(Toy pictures taken from www.hasbro.com/starwars)

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