Mutant Power: Telekinesis, some telepathic ability
Voice Actor: Venus Terzo (who also did the voice of Blackarachnia in Beast Wars and Beast Machines!)
First Appearance: "Strategy X"
Back Story: Not much, really. Jean Grey was a normal girl who lived with happily married parents and a non-Mutant sister. Of course, one day, her powers emerged, and her parents took her to see Professor Xavier- her dad was an old acquaintance of his. (This part of the backstory was given in the Evo comics.) Professor Xavier took her in, and she's been living in the Mansion ever since. Jean has graduated from High School as of the end of Season 3, but she's going to be studying medicine and genetics under Xavier's tutelage, so she's still staying at the X-Mansion. As seen in Xavier's "future" vision in "Ascension, Part II", Jean will sometime in the future become the Dark Phoenix (a super-developed form of her powers that essentially has a mind of its own, in short).
Personality: Jean is a typical "popular" girl in her school- the only one out of the X-Men who really is, to be honest- and is involved in tons of extracurricular activites- she was captain of the Girls' Soccer Team, for one. She's also very nice to others, as long as their interests aren't completely at odds with hers. She's also got a thing for Scott Summers- at least unofficially, that is. Thing is, she went off and dated stupid guys like Duncan just because she can (and because she seems to be a jerk relationship-wise). Of course, this makes Scott jealous, and he tries to compete for some inane reason, even if the logical thing to do would be to just ditch her two-timing self. But, of course, Scott and Jean had to eventually officially get together, as they did after the life-or-death situation presented by "Blind Alley". Oh, yeah, and Jean also doesn't get along well with Rogue- but at least that's understandable, since they're complete opposites in personality. Of course, they're part of the same team, though, and they'll come to each other's rescue if need be.
Final Reflections: Even though I really didn't like Jean that much, it certainly wasn't because of her character development; even though she seemed a bit goody-goody at times, she certainly had a jealous and even an angry side. I just don't like the whole "super-popular girl" motif, I guess, but Jean was actually one of the nicest members of the X-Men. I definitely liked her Evo version over the more traditional and Wolverine and the X-Men versions, where she seemed to be too needy.