Jetstorm's Beast ModeJetstorm's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Orange, black, and transparent green, with some green and blue
Rating: 6.2

    Beast mode is a dragonfly. A nicely done mode on top, but his robot legs are clearly visible and can get in the way. His insect legs are extremely small. His robot head can also be easily seen in his beast head. Detailing is decent, but nothing extraordinary.
    Robot mode is okay, but it has a lot of extras. His missle launchers on his sides can be fired too easily, also. Some of his extras are his four wings, and his insect legs on his robot legs, and his dragonfly back. The dragonfly back can be filled up with water through a pump in his tail, and then he can spit “acid” out of his mouth by pushing up on the lever on his dragonfly tail. This can also work in beast mode.
    A nice transformer, although he has quite a bit of extras in both modes.

Jetstorm Bio:
FUNCTION: Sky Patrol
Mesmerized by his awesome appearance, enemies seldom realize the power of this
Predacon...until it's too late! Striking silently from the sky, Jetstorm's internal coolant capacitors produce a toxic venom that, when regurgitated from his mouth, can destroy an enemy at a range of 500 feet. To keep his aerial competition in check, Jetstorm can launch twin air-to-air missiles that explode on impact in a blaze of destruction!
Strength: 3.0
Speed: 7.0
Rank: 3.0
Firepower: 7.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Endurance: 5.0
Courage: 5.0
Skill: 6.0

Review by Beastbot

(Thanks to Lio Kaiser for the above pics of Jetstorm. You're a life saver, Lio!)

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