Vehicle ModeRobot Mode w/ Mobile BasePowerlinx Landmine (Brute Mode)
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Ultra
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Orange, gray, dark gray, dark blue-gray, light sky blue, dull gold, and some silver, white, orange-yellow, red, and transparent yellow
Powerlinx ports: 2
Rating: 9.0

    Landmine's vehicle mode doesn't have a real-life counterpart- or at least I think it doesn't. It's some kind of mining vehicle, that's for certain- it's got a bladed shovel in the front, it's got treads, a crane arm, and it looks pretty rough-and-tumble. There's also some gas vents near the top and a missile launcher thrown in for good measure. All in all, Landmine's vehicle mode is great. His mold detailing is very nice, with tons of little mechanical details everywhere. His cockpit is see-through, with little seats inside. The same goes for his paint detailing, too- he's got a wide variety of colors, although they're still pleasing to the eye. The orange, gray, gold, and blue scheme is one of the few rather original color schemes in Energon that still looks good. Not to mention that for some reason I can't quite figure out, orange just fits a mining vehicle better than any other color. And as for his electronic feature in this mode, you can pull Landmine's crane hook out on a string, then press the button on the crane arm to reel it back in, making a "retracting" noise as it does so. It's actually fairly cool, and not at all annoying. The problem I have with this mode, though, is that the front doesn't look very solid at all. There's a VERY noticeable gap in between the front shovel and the actual front hood of the vehicle, and the front sides don't stay connected to the main part very well. In fact, the first time you try to transform Landmine, you'll almost swear you're doing it wrong, because the pieces just don't want to fit together. In fact, the front shovel is the only thing keeping the front half of the vehicle mode from completely splitting apart. Also- and this is a rather minor quibble- the treads in the back are at a slightly different angle than the wheels on the front, but although it looks a little bit on the "not quite right" side of things, it's not bad enough to interfere with his movement or anything.
    In his "regular" configuration, Landmine splits in two. The front half of his vehicle mode becomes his normal robot mode, while the back half becomes a weapons platform. The battle platform, though, is pretty weak (just like 95% of all the other Transformers' battle platforms). It's just his missile launcher and crane arm on a rotating disk (that actually only rotates about 60 degrees) held up by parts of his vehicle mode. I can't really see it doing much at all. Landmine's normal robot mode, however, is pretty cool. The great colors and detailing are all still there, and his proportions are fairly nice overall (even though his arms are a tad on the puny side and his feet are too big). His articulation is also great- he can move at the shoulders (at three points), the elbows, the hips (at two points), the knees (at two points), and the head. All in all, you can get him into a good number of poses, although sometimes his stability is put into a jeopardy a bit by his floppy heels. I'm not too sure I'm fond of Landmine's head sculpt, though. I do like the visor, but I don't like that they made it see-through. It magnifies his eyes too much. Oh, and the solid red face looks rather icky, too. But he's a pretty nice Transformer overall. His Autobot spark crystal in on his chest, and his red Autobot Powerlinx symbol is on the side of his left arm.
    By taking apart his battle station, you can combine several parts of it with Landmine's basic robot mode to form Powerlinx Landmine, also called his "brute mode". For a third mode, it's actually fairly good. He now has two VERY large claw-arms to slash some Decepticons with, although I do think the actual claw parts are severely under-detailed mold-wise. These pieces also have a bad tendency to fall off the arms a little easily. In addition to that, Powerlinx Landmine also has a backpack of sorts, consisting mostly of his crane arm and missle launcher slung over his shoulders. When you connect the backpack to Landmine's back, a tinny "Transformation" sound is emitted. It's nice, but it was obviously sped up a little. (Be SURE that when you connect his backpack, though, that the dial is turned all the way to its locking point, as specified in the instructions- otherwise, the transformation sound will go off if you so much as touch Landmine, and it gets VERY annoying very quickly.) In addition, another sound effect is now available- you can press a button on Landmine's backpack to activate a short "firing" sound. The actual missile launcher on mine is pretty touchy, but this doesn't seem to be a widespread problem. Landmine may look a bit disproportionate in this mode, but he makes up for it by looking like he can take out a whole Terrorcon army.
    Landmine is a great Transformer, and definitely one of the better Powerlinking Autobots. He suffers from a few stability problems, though, along with a few more minor downsides, and this is what keeps him from scoring high-up on the "must-buy" scale. But he's still a very nice toy, and I highly recommend him.

Landmine Bio:
MOTTO: "My fists are deadlier than your guns."
Landmine is one of the most powerful soldiers under the leadership of Optimus Prime. His giant fists award him the strongest punch of all the Autobots. Many Decepticons have learned never to challenge him to one-on-one combat. In vehicle mode, he is a powerful construction vehicle with an enormous crane platform capable of lifting ten times his weight. Landmine's crane platform can attach to his cab in robot mode to form a super combination Brute Mode. This Brute Mode is the secret behind his powerful punch.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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