Lazorbeak Toy
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Purple and red-orange, with some yellow and white
Rating: 5.0

    Beast mode is a pterodactyl. This is a repaint of Terrorsaur. While I think the color scheme is cooler, it still suffers from the same, if not more, flaws that Terrorsaur suffered from. There are few movable joints in beast mode, only his mouth and legs- you think Hasbro would have at least let his wings flap, or something. Also, his robot legs are pretty easily seen on his beast mode bottom, as are the robot hands on the back of his feet. The detailing isn't very good in this mode, either.
    Robot mode looks more like a Maximal than a Predacon, but still has a certain level of fierceness to it. His wings and pterodactyl head cannot fold back in this mode, and stick out a bit and get in the way a little. His gun is small, but is still an okay accessory, although it is easy to lose. Even easier to lose, in fact, than the original Terrorsaur's, because there is no little plastic tab that keeps the gun from sliding out of Lazorbeak's back in this mode, while there was such a tab on Terrorsaur.
    Cool-looking, but not the best transformer to make a repaint of.

Lazorbeak Bio:
FUNCTION: Aerial Attacks
A fast flying sky piratewith a thirst for battle, Lazorbeak upholds his motto of believing the only good point he likes about the Maximals is their melting point. His laser weapon can melt through most of the Maximals' battle armor, but such aggression tends to drain his energon levels, allowing him to initialize only brief periods of aerial attack sequences between robot and pterodactyl modes. Still, when his power levels are charged, he's one mean menace!
Strength: 6.0
Speed: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Firepower: 5.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Endurance: 3.0
Courage: 8.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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