
Real Name: Dorian Leitch (sp?)

Mutant Power: Ability to negate the energy around him, like electricity and Mutant powers. As of this point, he can't do it at will, though- his powers are just starting to emerge.

Voice Actor: Danny McKinnon(?)

Guest Appearance: "Uprising" and "Ascension, Part 2"

Back Story: Dorian was an emerging Mutant kid living with his (presumably divorced) mother in an apartment building. However, he was naturally curious and sympathetic to the plot of Spyke during the uprising of Duncan and his company of thugs in Bayville, and ran to the scene to help out. It was during this time that his powers emerged. Although his mother isn't really crazy about the fact that he's a Mutant, she still loves him, and after the incident in which he blacked out the whole town, Xavier gave her his card, in case Dorian ever wanted to join the Insitute in the future. Leech was also instrumental in bringing down Apocalypse in "Ascension, Part 2", allowing Rogue to absorb his abilities and use them effectively.

Personality: Not much of one has been revealed. He's a pretty shy and afraid kid, for understandable reasons, but that's about all I've gotten out of him.

Final Reflections: I was never too crazy about Leech, and Evo didn't really do anything to change that. He just looked too weird to me, and, even though I hate to admit it since it WAS a somewhat original maneuver nonetheless, he didn't seem to serve any real purpose in Evo except to help bring down Apocalypse.

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