Galvatron (Legends of Cybertron)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Black, light milky gray, and some orangish red and dull metallic light purple
Rating: 7.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Legends of Cybertron Megatron. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Legends of Cybertron Megatron here.)

(For a review on the larger Galvatron toy that this is based on, check out the review here.)

    Just like the larger version, Legends of Cybertron Galvatron's color scheme is an improvement over LoC Megatron's. There's no more orange at all, which really didn't fit into the color scheme at all, and the black, red, and gray on Galvatron present a much more unified, evil-looking color scheme than on LoC Megatron. However, that said, LoC Galvatron's colors are lacking something major, and that's the very attractive "super shiny" silver paint used on the larger version of Galvatron. LoC Galvatron's gray is just a much more dull-looking light milky gray, which by itself really doesn't give the figure the "zazz" it needs. LoC Galvatron is also severely lacking in the paint applications department, with only some paint on his lower legs, robot face and chest, front vehicle "fins", and vehicle cockpit. He could REALLY use some more paint on his arms and the rear half of his vehicle mode.
    No mold changes have been made to LoC Galvatron.
    Legends of Cybertron Galvatron is an improvement over LoC Megatron, but he's still rather dull and has far too few paint apps. Considering how awesome super-shiny "normal" Cybertron Galvatron looks, unless you're desperately low on cash, I'd vastly recommend you save up for the larger version instead.

Galvatron Tech Specs:
Strength: ?
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: ?
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: ?
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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