Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Black and some light metallic green, light milky gray, transparent red, yellowish orange, dark military green, light red, dark dull violet-red, and silver
Rating: 9.4

    Lockdown's vehicle mode is a muscle car, done up in the Animated style with a really evil look to it. Of course, the mostly-black color scheme helps, but the sculpted spikes on the top of the roof really add to that illusion, as well as the red windows and headlights and the "narrowed eyebrows" look of the front end of the mode. The spikes on the front bumper and in the middle of the wheels are also really nice touched, as well. Combined with the slightly exaggerated proportions of the car mode, it really gives the whole toy a wicked look even at a casual glance. The exposed engine and exhaust pipes also make it look like he could really burn rubber, as well. As with most Animated toys, Lockdown is rather scarce when it comes to molded detailing, but his paint detailing is pretty lacking in car mode, as well. The spikes are painted, as are two small green stripes near the front of the car, but other than that he's bereft of paint in this mode, which makes him look a bit more plain than he otherwise would have-- I mean, c'mon, not even a painted rear window? On the plus side, there IS some pretty neat "circuitry" detailing on the windows, but it's partially overshadowed by the fact that you can see Lockdown's only robot extra in this mode-- his head-- through the windows.
    Lockdown's robot mode is one of those that is so incredibly different from the vehicle mode, with so few vehicle mode "parts" comprising it, that it makes you go, "how the heck does that become THAT?!" I'll say right now that Lockdown's robot mode is nothing short of a feat of engineering. All of his car mode parts-- ALL of them-- work into his overall robot mode seemlessly. He also "grows" substantially in this mode, and absolutely TOWERS over pretty much any other deluxe figure, and is even taller than many voyager-class figures. He's got long legs, which gives him a tall, imposing form, especially considering his face sculpt, which is incredibly well-done. He continued the "lizard-esque armored" look from his vehicle mode, with considerably more green showing through in this mode-- I especially like the green "skeleton-like" patterns on his chest, waist, and upper legs-- and he also has some spikes on his shoulder pads and neck. The silver deco on his face is also really well-done, and the semi-smirk fits the character perfectly. Fitting with his "bounty hunter/scrapper" personality, his body is also slightly asymmetrical, given all the "upgrades" he's installed in his own body over the years. His two legs have noticeably different details on them, and he also has a "weapon pack" that fits over one of his arms-- this contains a flip-out "hook-hand" and the car engine, which converts to an EMP generator. It's all really well-done. However, he's not quite perfect in this mode-- there are a few flaws, though all but one of them are minor. The major one is that you have to be quite careful when folding out his hands-- if you fold them out any further than about what looks to be halfway, they'll crack, and rather easily, too. This is a huge mold defect, and the one major strike I'd hold against this toy. There's no real reason for his hands to have to only come out of his lower arms halfway like that, it makes them look rather awkward. There's a few other, minor, problems Lockdown has as well-- his shoulders don't fold up all the way, his upper arms are really small proportionally, and his knees are joined such that they look a bit awkward when bent. Lockdown's overall articulation is still boss, however-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), waist, hips (at two points), knees, and limited movement at the ankles.
    Lockdown is a great design for one of the best original characters in Animated, and his transformation is nothing less than a feat of engineering. Add into this a very tall, imposing robot mode, a very evil look in both modes, and a good color scheme, and it's easy to ignore his one major flaw-- having to be careful with his hands. Highly recommended.

Lockdown Character Bio:
"Run all you want. It'll make the chase more fun."
Lockdown could care less about Megatron and his grand goals of universal domination. He's in this game for upgrades, pure and simple, and he wears the Decepticon badge because they're the ones who can get him the systems he wants. For the right price he'll hunt down any target and bring it in-- functioning or not. As a bonus, every new target means new trophies for his workshop wall. He enjoys his work, and he's traveled from one end of the universe to the other doing it, which is why he's got a collection of weapons and functions second to none.
- Blaster shuts down most robotic circuitry
- Can track a target even across light years
- Once a target is locked, he always catches it

Review by Beastbot

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