Magnaboss (Consists of Ironhide, Prowl, and Silverbolt)

Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Ultra (when combined)
Overall Rating: 6.6


Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Robot: Medium
Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Magnaboss part: Hard
Color Scheme: White, gray, and red-orange, with some neon green
Individual Rating: 5.8

    Beast mode is an elephant. This is a very nicely crafted mode, and he has small guns behind his ears which can act as weapons in beast mode. Unless you look at him from the bottom, there’s no obvious clue this elephant’s a robot in disguise. The articulation is also pretty good, as his ears, legs, and tail can all move.
    His robot mode is EXTREMELY poor and has a lot of extras; in fact, most of his body IS extras!!! The extras always get in the way, and there is no place to put them. His very long hands can become claws (only one part of the claws moves, though) and his feet are short, stubby elephant feet, while his head sticks out from his neck, making him look like a hunchback. His chest is also hard to line up right with his head.
    Forms arms, legs, and chestplate of Magnaboss.
    A very poor robot mode, but an excellent beast mode.


Difficulty of Transformation fron Beast to Robot mode: Very Hard
Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Magnaboss part: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Brown and yellow, with some silver and red
Individual Rating: 6.0

    Beast mode is a lion. His legs are so thin they look like he’s starved that part of his body and none of the other parts. His hind quarters also look rather odd, as they become his weapon in robot mode. Other than that, he’s kind of nice looking, with a large mane(sometimes the two halves don’t always stick together) and a fierce face with nice detailing.
    Robot mode is okay. His back lion legs fold out from his robot legs, so his robot feet look awkward. His front lion legs fold back from his robot arms, but they don’t get in the way. His lion tail becomes a large claw weapon, and his mane fold out to look like hang glider wings. His chest part also comes apart sometimes, as there's a lot stuffed in there. Transformation is extremely hard, and only recommended for experienced transformers.
    Forms chest and head for Magnaboss.
    A nice transformer, although beast mode is a little weak.


Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Robot: Medium
Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Magnaboss part: Medium
Color Scheme: Brown and white, with a little bit of yellow and black
Rating: 6.7

*2018 UPDATE/BUYER BEWARE: After several years, the brown plastic on Silverbolt has shown reports of moderate-to-severe Gold Plastic Syndrome (crumbling). Be aware of this when purchasing this toy.*

    Beast mode is a bald eagle. One of the best beast modes in the original Beast Wars Transformers line, with no obvious clue he’s a robot except for his robot hands under his tail feathers. His wingspan is impressive, about four times his body width. The detailing in this mode is also superb too.
    Robot mode is very nice, but there is one big problem; his large wings in the back can make it hard for him to stand up. You can fold them forward to become missle launchers, but then it looks like he's wrapping himself up in his wings, which looks odd. He has two extremely large white jagged swords, making him look like a slice-and-dice kind of guy. The eagle head pops out over his robot head. I'm not sure what to think about this, since it complements the robot mode just as much as it subtracts from it. His feet also look a bit odd, since they are his eagle feet turned backwards.
    Forms the upper back and missle launchers of Magnaboss.
    A very nice transformer;  it is the only one of the group that could probably be sold alone and still be popular.

Magnaboss Toy
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Yellow, brown, gray, orange-red, and some silver, dark blue, black, neon green, and white
Individual Rating: 8.0

    Robot mode(the only one he has) is a combination of Silverbolt(the eagle), Ironhide, and Prowl, all sold together. He looks like a robot version of Conan the Barbarian with lots of hair on his face. He has some extras on his arms and legs, but these don’t get in the way as much as they do on Ironhide, even though they do look odd. He has a large sword, composed of all three of his component transformers' weapons, and he has two missile launchers on his chest from Silverbolt. The articulation in this mode is excellent, the only major part of his body not being able to move is his head.
    A very nice robot and highly recommended, although hard to transform.

Magnaboss Bio:
FUNCTION: Combat Leader
A new breed of super robot blasts its way to the head of the Maximal battle lines, with three times the fighting force! Prowl's ferocity, Silverbolt's swiftness, and Ironhide's strength team up to form Magnaboss - a triple power threat capable of annihilating any Predacon enemy, even the ultra combative Tripredacus! Magnaboss owns the battlefield, arming itself with a massive, megaton battle sword composed of Silverbolt's razor tipped wing swords and Ironhide's blunt force battle clubs mounted on Prowl's cyber tail claw. If two heads are better than one, Magnaboss is way ahead of that game...times three!
Strength: 10.0
Speed: 9.0
Rank: 10.0
Firepower: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Endurance: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Skill: 10.0

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