Manterror Toy
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Transparent purple, transparent green, light green, and red, with some purple and transparent orange
Rating: 6.9

    Beast mode is a mantis. A well done mode, although his robot legs sort of stick out under his abdomen and his insect legs are sort of small. The detailing is only so-so, but the articulation is very good, as the wings, mantis arms, mantis head, antennae, and mantis legs can all move.
    Robot mode is freakish-looking. His legs are normal size, but his arms are longer than his body! His insect legs on his chest get in the way a lot, though, and his insect head antennae interfere a bit, too. His disks in his mantis pincers are well done and can fire far, and they can fold into the arms nicely. His robot head is cool-looking, and very fierce.
    A nice robot, but some extras in both modes. Only recommended for experienced transformers, though.

Manterror Bio:
FUNCTION: Quick-Attack Specialist
The maniacal Manterror may seem awkward in appearance, but he's a skilled fighter with devastating quickness in both robot and insect battle modes. Having the power of flight and equipped with razor-sharp raptor claws, he activates internal stealth silencers to strike from the sky like a sizzling bolt of proton lightning. In robot mode, he prefers to launch his devastating ion discs, which don't stop spinning until they've sliced through a targeted enemy's external armor. As he always says, "To face the Manterror is to face defeat!"
Strength: 5.0
Speed: 6.0
Rank: 6.0
Firepower: 8.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Endurance: 3.0
Courage: 5.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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