Megatron (Tyrannosaurus Rex)
Megatron (T-Rex)'s Beast ModeMegatron (T-Rex)'s Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Ultra
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Light purple, purple, black, and some green, red, yellow, silver, and white
Rating: 7.9

    Beast mode is a tyrannosaurus rex. This mode is one of the best beast modes I’ve seen, with no extras, top or bottom. The only slight clue is his back clawd on his legs, which look like robot parts, and the very slight evidence of his grappling hook missles on his hips. This mode is very nicely detailed as well, with warts and signs of wear and tear all over. This mode is fairly well-articulated as well- the mouth, arms, and legs can all move, although if you move the legs too much, the hip pieces move with them...
    Robot mode is very nice and well-crafted, but his tyrannosaurus halves on his back are large and can get in the way. One of his hands is his tyrannosaurus head, and you can take its tongue out and fill it up with water, then put the tongue back in. Then, when you open its mouth, it squirts it, like pretend "poison". Unlike the TV show one, his other hand can not be disconnected from the tail claw, but you can move his hand back and forth to make the claw snap. Two grappling-hook-shaped missles can be fired out of his flesh hip plates. He has two faces: a mutant bat/lizard face and the face used on the TV show. One of the major problems with this mode is his chest does not connect to his back very well, so it may come loose or his head may sink into his chest from time to time. It is a shame he doesn't have at least one real hand, though.
    An excellent transformer in both modes, although robot mode has some extras.

Megatron (T-Rex) Bio:
FUNCTION: Predacon Commander
Millions of years ago, Tyrannosaurus Rex ruled the earth. Today, Megatron plans to do the same! Duplicating dinosaur DNA stolen from human research labs, the evil leader has re-engineered his body structure and equipped it with fearsome high-tech firepower! Poisonous paralyzer fluids blast from his gaping jaws, while his powerful pincher claw can cut an enemy in half! Be afraid, earthlings. Be very, very afraid.
Strength: 10.0
Speed: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Firepower: 10.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Endurance: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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