Midnight Express (Rail Racer Part)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Japanese Name: J-4
Color Scheme: Dark glittery blue, white, gray, "cheese" yellow, yellow, and some red, black, and pink
Mold History: Midnight Express was a completely new mold created for Car Robots (which subsequently became Robots in Disguise).
Rating: 7.9

    Vehicle mode is a bullet train. This mode is very nice, and excellently detailed- at least paint-wise. The mold detailing is only mediocre, but then again, it's a bullet train- not really a whole lot of detail TO mold in. I especially like the dark blue lower half and the yellow lines. Midnight Express' (what the heck of a kind of name is that!? I'll just call him Midnight for the rest of this review) back half in this mode has "Max Cybertron" imprinted on both sides, which is a nice touch. My only real complaint about Midnight in this mode is that some of the spaces between the different parts- especially the spaces near the middle and in the front- are a little wider than I'd like them, and detract a bit from this mode, making it pretty obvious that he's a "Robot in Disguise". Oh, and a neat little feature with Midnight and the other Bullet Train members- he has a hook on the back side and a similarly-sized hole on the bottom of his front side so that he can link up with the other Bullet Train members. A nice touch.
    Midnight's robot mode- well, let's just say it's not quite as good as his vehicle mode. First and foremost, his legs are absolutely, ludicrously HUGE in proportion to the rest of his both. I mean, they're easily over half of his total body weight. That's insane. I mean, having legs being slightly larger proportionally than normal, like with Rapid Run and Railspike, is alright, but this is really pushing it. Also, Midnight is slightly asymmetrical in this mode, and in a rather odd and unappealing way, almost like it was a mistake for him to be this way. His right shoulder plate is curved, while the other is straight; and his two feet and heels are of different designs as well. This just doesn't really look that good, unlike how asymmetry worked well with the Transmetals 2. Also, there's a rather noticeable gap in between Midnight's head and the top of his chest, which doesn't look that nice either. However, Midnight's robot head is wonderfully done; like Railspike, it looks like he has a miniature version of the front of a train on his forehead. He also has a slight smirk on his face, with definitely adds character. Midnight is also extremely posable in this mode, and he has practically no extras, which is a definite plus. His weapon is your standard missle-firing gun in this mode.
    Forms the legs and waist of Rail Racer.
    Midnight Express has a very nice vehicle mode, but his robot mode could be a bit better in its proportions. My personal least favorite of the Bullet Trains, but he's still a good toy overall- and, of course, he's needed to make Rail Racer.

Midnight Express Bio:
MOTTO: "Victory-- let's party!"
Midnight Express is the Bullet Train team’s friendly, easygoing junior member. He sets the mood for the team with a cheerful, fun-loving attitude that will have everyone feeling upbeat - yet when it comes to the enemy, he’s tough and unrelenting. He’s good in the cold: he melts snow with his heat missiles and slices icebergs down to size with his light swords.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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