Vehicle ModeRobot ModeRobot Mode (Cyber Key gimmicks activated)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Voyager (Mega)
Homeworld: Earth
Cyber Key Code: v6t7
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Flat sky blue, dark blue, very dark gray, off-white, and some black, silver, transparent light green, silverish bronze, dull gold, and metallic reddish purple
Rating: 8.7

    Mudflap (Ugh, what a ridiculous name!) has an alternate mode of a crane. In most respects, this mode is pretty good; there's plenty of great mold and paint detailing on him, with nice little bolks and hinges molded into him everywhere-- there's even little chairs molded inside his front and rear cockpits! His color scheme is also fitting for a construction vehicle-- light blue, gray, and white is a color scheme not uncommon on real-life cranes. All eight of his wheels can roll very well (no cheap "fake" wheels on this big boy), and his crane platform can rotate all the way around. He also has not just one, but TWO unique Cyber Key gimmicks, a rarity for a Voyager-size toy. For starters, if you insert his Key into the slot on the side of his front section, a missile launcher flips out that you can fire ahead at any incoming Autobots. However, when the launcher is deployed, it doesn't have anything locking it into its new position-- this isn't a problem in this mode, but it means that if it's deployed in robot mode, it wiggles around a bit whenever you fiddle with the figure. I'm also not too fond of how asymmetrical the missile launcher looked when it's in its unlocked position-- it's a different color than the surrounding parts, not to mention the obvious missile sticking out from the front section and the fact that it doesn't fit in shape-wise with the surrounding piece-- it makes the launcher stick out like a sore thumb. Mudflap's other Cyber Key gimmick is really awesome, though-- extend the crane arm all the way and then insert the Cyber Key into the slot on its side, and a loooong sword flips out-- this is one heck of a long weapon, let me tell ya-- it's especially apparent in his robot mode, it even borders on being ridiculously long! Now tell me Mudflap can't kick butt with THAT thing! He's the first $20-and-up toy in a LOOOONG time to not have electronics, but I don't mind this at all-- I find electronics to be annoying and detracting from the design of the Transformer more often than not. One minor quibble is that the sword doesn't fold out completely parallel with the rest of the crane arm, but an ever-so-slight angle. It by no means ruins the gimmick, but it is a tad noticeable. Mudflap has a few robot extras rather visible in this mode; his shoulders, upper arms, waist halves, and upper legs are all very apparent near the middle of the crane body. I wish there was some kind of panel that had been added to cover up those obvious extras, as I would've preferred an extra kibble panel or two in robot mode as opposed to extras this obvious.
    Mudflap's robot mode is really the star mode of the toy-- he's got spot-on proportions (though his feet are a bit too flat), a nice color scheme that mixes it up a bit more with some dark blue and purplish red, and some nice detailing. His head design is original while still having a bit of a "classic Transformer" design to it. It also doesn't look as evil as most other Decepticons' heads, which is appropriate considering Mudflap is an Autobot-turned-Decepticon. The light piping also works very well to make Mudflap's eyes glow quite easily. Mudflap has great articulation, being able to turn at any point you can reasonably expect on a toy of his size, and all the joints are nice and sturdy, too. His waist articulation is limited some by the wheel panels on his back-- other than that, however, I don't mind the wheel panels, as they keep out of the way and help give him the appearance of a bit more mass. There aren't really any other extras in this mode, unless you count the Cyber Key weapons on the back of his hands extras (which I don't-- they serve a purpose and allow him to hold additional weapons in his hands if you so desire). His long sword-blade is really quite a formidable weapon in this mode, and probably the defining feature of Mudflap-- it's over twice as long as he is tall!
    Mudflap has a decent crane mode, but his really shining features are his awesome robot mode, unique and fun transformation, and his super-long Cyber Key-activated sword-- definitely one of the best crane Transformers there's been so far. Recommended.

Mudflap Bio:
There's nothing Mudflap likes more than demolition. A Decepticon agent planted on Earth even before the arrival of the Autobots, he managed to disguise himself well enough to infiltrate the construction industry. He uses his position to see to it that the projects he works on ultimately fail, collapsing into their foundations, their load-bearing beams mysteriously cut through. Still, as much as he enjoys destroying construction projects, he's only too glad to join the fight once the Autobots arrive on Earth!
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 5.5
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 7.5

Review by Beastbot

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