Omega Red

Real Name: Arkady (as going by the Marvel comics... his name wasn't mentioned in the show)

Mutant Powers: Omega Red has long carbonadium metal coils that he can shoot out of his arms, presumably implanted in there by some procedure in the past. He also has superhuman strength and durability. In the Marvel comics, he also has the ability to secrete pheromones from his body that can kill people near to him, and he can also take their life forces to replenish his own. However, this last power was not used or referred to in the show.

Voice Actor: Richard Newman (who also did the voice of Rhinox in Beast Wars)

Guest Apperance: "Target X"

Back Story: Plenty has been revealed about Omega Red's past in the older Marvel comics, but as for the Evolution universe, much has been left unexplained. Sometime in the past, Omega Red was apparently "left to die and suffer" by Wolverine and his Weapon X brethren- Sabretooth, Maverick, and Wraith, according to Omega Red. He lived, however, and has made it a personal mission of his to repay them for whatever they did to him. He temporarily allied himself with HYDRA when the opportunity had arisen to get back at Wolverine, but things went wrong, and now he's locked up tight in a S.H.I.E.L.D. prison. He grinned as he was led onto the prison helicopter, though, which makes me think we would have seen him again if Evo went on to a Season 5...

Personality: I've been able to glean little about Omega Red's personality so far, given the rather small part he played in the only episode he was in. He's Russian, and he's got one heck of a grudge on the Weapon X guys- either he's abnormally vengeful or they did something really, REALLY bad to him. I haven't been able to figure out much else about his persona besides that.

Final Reflections: For all the hype, Omega Red was a bit of a dissapointment in Evo. He just wasn't nearly as tough of a guy as he was in the old comic series- in fact, he actually seemed a little pathetic at times. So he just didn't play up the "super-tough villain" part as much as he should have.

(Picture courtesy of  Matt.)

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